Poems by the poetess Tasneem Hossain

Poems by the poetess Tasneem Hossain
There are no closed doors,
Only passageways from one door to another door;
Path before the door left behind is experience,
The path you are walking is test resilience;
The open door in front is hope in the distance.
Never regret the door left past,
It led you to now: who you are.
Never fear the path you are walking now,
It will lead you to the path after next door, allow.
The door beyond, keeps your walking endowed.
Sometimes the path may make you cry,
Sometimes angry, sometimes agonise,
Sometimes repent and sometimes laugh,
Sometimes it may make you comply.
Each path has a meaning sublime.
This is all life’s journey about.
Sometimes sour sometimes sweet,
Sometimes bland sometimes spicy;
This world is just a box of fancy.
These all make life’s variety.
Smile at the door you left behind,
Walk towards the door in front, upright.
Soothe the eyes, expanse of carpeted green,
Stands tall the tiny little grass so serene.
Brown dried sickles rejoice and sing,
It’s now blooming budding spring.
Tiny little butterflies spread their wings.
Heavenly green with white stars honey sweet,
Bluebells, yellow dandelions paint greener, green.
The vast plain land’s ocean, waves of green,
Tender moist leaves with the muddy incense breathe;
Morning glows with dew pearls on tips of grassy pitch.
Mother Earth’s bounteous grow young again.
Imagine the world’s land all green,
Tufts of grass dancing happily in the breeze;
Drought and famine dries the land and freeze,
The womb of the land, sometimes wheeze;
Neighbouring green meadows healthy wind,
Comfort of abundance in plenty is redeemed.
The grass deep in the ground,
Rain flourishes and it sprouts.
A time to rest, a time to recreate
This respite all need to take
Green fir trees stand firm in chilly winter,
Even, if the grass for a time turns meander.
Strong and youthful dance with vigour,
Full of wisdom’s modest fervor.
Lush green trees amid the green,
Tiny strong thriving blade of grassy green;
Mother Nature spreads happiness and peace.
A wondrous world of paradise lush green, senses appease.
Imagine a world devoid of green.
A world half its beauty, it would seem.
Mother earth fills the world with grass in greenery.
Singing voice of time in eternity;
Passionate, voiceless prayers in rhapsody,
Thank the Giver of all this grass in green, in ecstasy.
I met the devil with the two heads monarchical.
One beautiful, the other hideous, unmerciful;
I fell for the beautiful.
It led me to the path, playful
With green grass,
And Lovely little flowers.
I walked in a daze,
Until, I reached the maze.
The hideous now, craned its neck;
With all its might, it meant me to break.
Shocked and stunned,
I struggled for my deliverance.
The thorns kept clinging,
I started bleeding.
The rise of a star,
Ended in a jar;
Was it all a farce?
Or just a whim of a big shark;
Its malicious show of, pretense and power; 
Design to end the life of a flower?
Know this you devil, a flower is a flower.
It has the power
To spread incense,
Make you lose your senses.
Small little ants can overpower big elephants.
Do what you do with a little wise judgment.
The poem is a reminder of the strength of the common people, to those in power utilising others for their selfish purposes in the society.