Poems by: Orzigul Sherova, Mahbuba Shodieva, Sobirjonova Rayhona

Poems by: Orzigul Sherova, Mahbuba Shodieva, Sobirjonova Rayhona
Three poems - Three authors

I have a question really fun,
Why buildings are tall, trees are tall.
You will win the race, if you run,
However, you probably will fall.

I have a question really kind,
Why this unique Earth is round?
There is not any answer in my mind,
Just I think when I travel around.

I have a question really good
Why people have a stunning name?
Sometimes they change their mood,
Is this world really tough game?

I have a question really cold,
Why this world is testy place?
But happiness is in everywhere as I told,
You will be good, if you face.
Author: Orzigul Sherova

If I suddenly hold a pen in my hand,
Emotions are transferred to paper at this moment.
I forget all my sorrows for a while,
I take a step towards poetry.

I only write everything in my heart,
A bouquet of pure feelings.
Sometimes my feelings don't work,
Dilgir makes my heart sick.

To soothe my sick heart
Sometimes I can't find a single word.
A fiery spark crushes my heart
Everything leaves an indelible mark.

Maybe that's why it's full of sadness,
My poems that are the secret of my heart.
Only one moan haunts my mind,
Not even fate for me.
Author: Mahbuba Shodieva
Where should I hit my head, teacher? 
After all, you were alone in the world,
I loved you with all my heart
Your love is world famous
It is my duty to glorify your name
I broke my pen without describing you
I have no energy to write to you
I got it from the white paper. 
Why did you take another class? 
At least you could fill it
I remember I want to cry
My sweet time with you.
He always encouraged me, 
I don't want to leave you alone for a moment
I write poems only for you
Kind, for a girl as big as my father.
I have a pain near my heart
A piece of my heart was torn out
I am always with you Rayhonjon
He smiled and laughed once.
He lied that he will get it next year 
I wish I had this teacher again
May we also laugh with eternal joy
The lessons are also good, the voice is pleasant.
My dear teacher is different anyway, 
Teaching style, style is different, 
 trained thousands of disciples, 
He is interested in learning until the age of seventy. 
It will always remain in my heart, 
I will raise your name to the sky, 
My heart trembles when I hear your name 
My eyes are happy every time I see it.
May he always be healthy
Let the sun of reason shine in the sky
This is my great teacher
His patience is equal to the universe. 
My teacher is my teacher, my shield is like my mother
I'm alone in this world, real,
teachers are a masterpiece
Always be healthy, my only one
Author: Sobirjonova Rayhona
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