Ibrahimova Durdona Shavkatjon's

Ibrahimova Durdona Shavkatjon's
Ibrahimova Durdona Shavkatjon's daughter was born in Toshloq district of Fergana province. 2nd stage student of UzMU. Member of the People's Democratic Party. 
ABSTRACT: This article examines the processes of teaching the Uzbek language abroad, existing pedagogical methods and methodologies, as well as cooperation with foreign educational institutions. Conditions, resources and programs created for students learning the Uzbek language in the course of teaching are considered. Also, the possibilities of increasing interest in learning the language by introducing the cultural heritage of Uzbekistan will be discussed.
Key words: cooperation, education, problems, Uzbek language, foreign countries, opportunities.
ABSTRACT: This article examines the processes of teaching the Uzbek language abroad, existing pedagogical methods and methodologies, as well as cooperation with foreign educational institutions. Conditions, resources and programs created for students learning the Uzbek language in the course of teaching are considered. Opportunities to increase interest in learning the language by introducing the cultural heritage of Uzbekistan will also be discussed.
Key words: cooperation, education, problems, Uzbek language, foreign countries, opportunities.
INTRODUCTION: The Uzbek language is the state language of the Republic of Uzbekistan and is a great heritage associated with its unique culture and history. The fact that the number of speakers of the Uzbek language on earth is about 50 million indicates that it is becoming one of the largest languages ​​in the world, - President Shavkat Mirziyoyev said in his greetings. Today, the Uzbek language and literature are studied in 65 higher educational institutions in foreign countries, and the number of foreign scientists conducting scientific research and research in this field is increasing. Yesterday was the Uzbek language day in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The public of our country, the entire Uzbek people welcomed the fact that the holiday events were celebrated for the first time at the state level with great satisfaction and joy. Also, attention was paid to the important and urgent tasks ahead of us to ensure that the Uzbek language occupies a worthy place in the world arena, especially in the Internet information network, and to create many new computer programs in our native language. Today, the issue of teaching the Uzbek language abroad is becoming important not only for Uzbekistan, but also for foreign countries. The process of teaching the Uzbek language abroad is mainly divided into two main directions: through higher educational institutions and cultural centers. First of all, universities and educational institutions located in different parts of the world offer Uzbek language courses for students who are interested in Uzbekistan. These courses are aimed not only at learning the language, but also at learning the culture, history and traditions of Uzbekistan. Currently, there are cultural centers of Uzbekistan in foreign countries. These centers play an important role in language teaching. Through various events - seminars, lectures, workshops - held in these centers, the participants not only learn the language, but also feel the national values. 
Problems and possibilities of teaching the Uzbek language abroad are also considered.
Problems in teaching the Uzbek language:
1. Lack of resources: There is a problem of not enough manuals, textbooks and other resources for teaching the Uzbek language. This creates difficulties for teachers.
2. Qualified teachers: Lack of qualified specialists who can effectively teach the Uzbek language abroad is also an important problem. In many cases, our teachers do not have the necessary pedagogical skills to work abroad.3. Decrease of interest in the language: In some countries, the number of students is decreasing due to the low interest in the Uzbek language.
Despite such problems in language teaching, there are several possibilities.
1. Cultural exchange: It is possible to develop cultural exchange with other nations by teaching the Uzbek language abroad. This will help strengthen international friendship.
2. Tourism development: For tourists who do not know English, Russian or other languages, experts can be trained to help them understand Uzbekistan.
3. International cooperation: It is possible to increase the image of Uzbekistan on a global scale by involving in foreign academic and scientific research.
The Uzbek language, as a language with its own cultural and historical heritage, plays an important role in the development of cooperation with different countries. Cooperation relations of the Uzbek language can be manifested in many areas.
If we take the field of education, teaching and learning in the Uzbek language will strengthen international educational relations through the programs of learning the Uzbek language in foreign countries. Culture: Cultural exchanges and festivals can be organized to promote Uzbekistan's rich cultural heritage and traditions.
 Economy: The Uzbek language creates opportunities to develop economic cooperation, strengthen relations in the fields of trade and investment.
Information technologies: It is possible to expand global information exchange by creating and distributing content in Uzbek on digital platforms.
 Diplomacy: The use of the Uzbek language in foreign policy and diplomatic communications helps to further strengthen international relations.
The last one is to strengthen scientific cooperation in the field of science and technology by conducting research in the Uzbek language and recognizing the results at the international level. The development of cooperation in these areas not only increases the importance of the Uzbek language, but also strengthens the country's position in the global arena.
In conclusion, in order for the Uzbek language to be successful in the educational process abroad, it is necessary to regularly strengthen international relations. Attention should be paid to improving the quality of education, effective use of resources and increasing interest among students. In this way, we can promote our rich culture on a global scale.
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