Tasneem Hossain, poetry

Tasneem Hossain, poetry
Tasneem Hossain
Director, Continuing Education Centre (CEC)
Multilingual poet, columnist, op-ed and fiction writer, educator,
translator, and training consultant.
Remember me, when the sun shines brightly in the eastern sky,
Brightening the day with its sultry gaze above and high;
Remember me, when the moon comes out of the overwhelming clouds
Shining through the darkness of night floating, luminous so proud;
Remember me, when there is a heavy shower and downpour,
Falling incessant musical rain drops to make you soar;
Remember me when you see the magical rainbow,
Painting the sky, with all its colorful hue and glow; 
Remember me when thunderstorms abound,
Burying with fierce explosions of lightning bolts the world around;
Remember me, when the chilling darkness shrouds and blinds,
Curling its creepy tentacles and winding upon your spines;
Remember my eyes shining through the darkness, giving you light,
Enlightening memories of all our glorious past and prime;
Remember me, if the world ever jeers at you,
Leaving you cringing in despair and blue;
Remember me, when you need that reassuring phase,
Twinkling down, from above, smiling face;
Remember me, when the world cheers at you anew,
Thousands of shining faces, looking up at you so true;
Remember me, when you are sick and green,
Soothing prayers working like balm, to make you beam and dream;
Remember me, in your sickness and wellness when I am gone,
Nowhere to be seen, or touched, leaving you feeling alone;
Remember me, in your existence as a whole,
For my soul, has always been yours.
A mother, a lover, a well-wisher to the core -
                                                            Remember me…….