Rubric - Young Creators

Rubric - Young Creators
Rubric - Young Creators

Saydinkulova Elenora.
  Born on June 24, 2008 in Kattakorgan district, Samarkand region. 10th grade student of the 66th general education school in Kattakorgan district. In 2022, he won the 3rd place in the district stage of the "Young Reader" competition. In 2022, she won the 2nd place in the district stage of the "Zulfiyakhanim girls" competition, and took the 2nd place in the district stage of the intellectual game "Zakovat" and became a participant in the regional stage. Examples of works were published in the newspaper "Kattakurgan: yesterday and today". Participant of international competitions and festivals. His poems are regularly published in newspapers and magazines of our republic.

The most important person in my life,                
My love, my pain,        
Those who always protect are safe,
I have a protective father.

I wish him heaven
My father is unable to work.
I give my all for them
Dad from the uncomplaining life.

If my desires increase or not,
Those who hold my hands are my father.
Whether you like it or not
My father raised everything.

The pillar, the head of our house,
My father is a hero for me.
Suffering from pain,
My poem, my inspiration is my father.

Thinking of us dear soul,
Always at work, morning and night.
If it hurts somewhere,
Be a balm, a loving father!

You are working abroad.
My father has gray hair.
It's because of us
Dad, you are not guilty.

Such days are still coming,
I'm still studying.
Rest without stopping
 I will be a worthy child!

May you live long
My hand in prayer for you.
Always be together,
My bright path with you.

do not speak ill of us,
My purpose in life is mine.
This is not the burden on my shoulders,
I have a father who raised me!!!

Rozmetova, daughter of Roziyajon Yaqubboy, was born on November 10, 2004 in Koshkopir district of Khorezm region. She is a 3rd year student of Termiz branch of Tashkent Medical Academy in Surkhandarya region. participated in the national anthology with the article "Ensuring sufficient personnel in the use and correction of technologies used in medicine". Participated in the Turkish international anthology with the article "Importance of medical technologies in the field of gynecology". Winner of the 1st place in Nafosat competition. Studied more than 10 courses on medicine and personal development. His dream is to contribute to the development of Uzbekistan's medicine and receive the Zulfiya award.  
Use of technologies in gynecology.

Prevention of acute dangerous diseases through technologies in medicine. A doctor who knows how to use technology well is his best friend. It is important to provide accurate and high-quality diagnosis to patients. It is necessary to pay attention to the quality control of technologies. Today, technology plays a very important role in our lives. It is especially important to identify and prevent dangerous diseases in gynecology. Polyps, fibroids, tumors and other dangerous diseases have an incomparable role in diagnosis and treatment. Ultrasound, colposcopy, microscopes, laparoscopes are the doctor's closest assistants. They help patients recover quickly and easily. The sooner the disease is detected, the faster and less money will be spent financially
Key words: Dangerous diseases, ultrasound, calpascope, microscope, laparoscopes, myoma, polyps, hysterosalpingography.
Technologies have a great importance and place in our lives. Nowadays, our life cannot be imagined without technologies. It has its place in every field. Especially in the field of medicine, technologies help a lot. Quick and high-quality for patients. diagnoses and helps patients to receive high-quality treatment.
The colposcope instrument used in the colposcopy method is very important to carry out the cervical examination procedure. Its length is 25-28 cm. It is a photographic device that magnifies the cervix up to 28 times or more.
The procedure for performing the operation in the colposcope sequentially.
1) The cervix is washed with NaCl solution. This process helps the cervix to be clearly visible. It cleans it of various secretions.
2) Then a filter is carefully placed. The filter helps to clearly see any abnormal blood vessels.
3) 5% acetic acid is applied to the cervix. It stains the denatured protein white.
With this, we will quickly identify and take measures for treatment.
In the colposcope, we can find out where the polyp is formed based on the Lugol reaction.
With the help of a microscope, the epithelium of the uterus can be seen more clearly.
Hysterosalpingography helps in adenomyosis.
A loparoscope is an instrument for optical inspection of the abdominal cavity. General surgeons, gynecologists, urologists use it a lot.
In gynecology, in laparoscopic surgery, small incisions of 0.5-1 cm are opened and we can see the problems related to the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes and treat them.
It is very convenient to operate on patients with a laparoscopic instrument. Because they feel less pain after surgery. They recover in a short time and return to their previous life.
Laparoscopic surgery is performed in the treatment of adenomyosis.
Recommendation. All women and girls should undergo a doctor's examination 2 times a year.
This makes it very easy for doctors to treat the disease. It is better to prevent a disease a thousand times than to cure it. Patients should consult a doctor at the beginning of every disease. Patients should not hide any secrets from the doctor and tell them without shame. The longer he hides and keeps a secret, the longer the treatment period will be.
Summary. It is necessary to learn the operation of each technology from experienced specialists. It is necessary to take advantage of all the equipment with care. The correct and rapid use of technologies will help patients to recover quickly and easily. It is necessary to train the staff and give sufficient knowledge to use the modern technologies of today. .  Technologies are very important for dangerous diseases. The sooner we detect them, the easier and faster they can be treated. Technologies should be inspected by a plumber at least once a year.
It is necessary to eliminate the root causes of diseases. Detection of dangerous diseases during the examination brings a number of conveniences to the doctor and the patient.

References: social network was used.
Obstetrics and gynecology nursing book. Ya.N. Allayarov and R. Q. Askarova wrote.
Textbook of obstetrics and gynecology
Kattakhodjoeva M.H.

Ochilova Ozoda Zufar was born on September 16, 2003 in Jondar district of Bukhara region. His nationality is Uzbek. Currently, he is a 4th grade student of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. Male and female gifted students of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University and member of the student academy. Author of about 10 articles. Mental Arithmetic Trainer...

Daughter of Ochilova Ozoda Zufar, 4th grade student of the Faculty of Primary Education of Jizzakh State Pedagogical University
Abstract: This article is about the TIMSS test program, which is important in creating innovative education for young people in our country.  It mentions the reasons why this study entered the field of education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.   Our country participates in this project for the first time.  Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for it with special enthusiasm.  Because developed countries have a high index in international studies.
Key words: TIMSS international assessment program, mathematics, natural science, school, student, IEA, Uzbekistan.
Introduction Based on the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to organize international studies in the field of education quality assessment in the public education system", it was decided to introduce PIRLS, TIMSS, PISA and TALIS international studies in Uzbekistan.  The National Center for the Implementation of International Research on the Evaluation of the Quality of Education was established under the State Inspection.
       The leadership of the IEA expressed its satisfaction with the participation of Uzbekistan in this study and gave advice on which type of TIMSS is suitable for the educational conditions of Uzbekistan.  In addition, the IEA has invited the first meeting of national research coordinators to be held in Hamburg, Germany in February 2021, and has announced that it will provide an opportunity to discuss different evaluation models and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of research lines with experts from Boston College.  .
         We also use the education system of the Republic of Korea as a modern system.  I believe that we should achieve our own high results in all international research. With the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to organize international research in the field of evaluation of the quality of education in the public education system" dated December 8, 2018 No. 997, the Quality of Education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan  The National Center for International Research on Education Quality Assessment was established under the supervision of the State Inspectorate.  At the same time, the tasks of participation in international studies on the assessment of the quality of education were defined:
  TIMSS - assessment of literacy of 4th and 8th graders in science.
TIMSS (Trends in International mathematics and science study) is an international monitoring and evaluation system for the quality of learning mathematics and natural sciences.  The study is organized by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA).
      In addition to comparing the level and quality of knowledge acquired by 4th and 8th grade students in mathematics and natural sciences in the TIMSS international assessment program and identifying differences in national education systems, in addition, in schools in mathematics and natural sciences  the content of the given education, the educational process, the possibilities of the educational institution, the potential of the teachers, and the factors related to the students' families are studied.
The TIMSS program began its first survey in 1995 and has been conducted every four years until 2019 in 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015, 2019 and 2023.  The next 9th cycle is planned to be implemented in 2023.  At the same time, since 1995, an "advanced" study (Advanced TIMSS) has been conducted three times (the last time in 2015), which includes studying the achievements of students in the last grade of school (in Uzbekistan, this is the 11th grade,  12th grade in the US etc.)
      Now, participation in the TIMSS-2023 international program has begun.  In this regard, in accordance with the IEA organization's "Official invitation to participate in International Mathematical and Scientific Research (TIMSS) 2023 trends", on the issue of Uzbekistan's participation in the TIMSS program for the first time, based on the preliminary dialogues between the National Center for the Implementation of International Research on the Evaluation of Educational Quality under the Education Inspectorate, the IEA leadership  consent was obtained.
Preparing primary school students for the TIMSS international assessment program is an important event at the same time.  If:
  If the preparation of primary school students for the TIMSS international assessment program is effectively organized;
If the methods and means of preparing primary school students for the TIMSS international assessment program are activated;
If the teacher works creatively in the educational process, real life examples and logical concepts are used appropriately in mathematics and natural science lessons, the students' learning and activity will be effective.
  The global resource for determining the level of knowledge, skills, and qualifications of students from more than 60 countries was developed based on the world's most advanced experience.  TIMSS assesses students' educational achievements: knowledge, application, reasoning.
Conclusion Taking into account the PISA and TIMSS studies, as one of their priorities, the assessment of students' mathematical literacy, it can be said that it is compatible with the reforms being carried out in the field of mathematics in our Republic.

Orinbayeva Lalezar Azadbay was born on April 8, 2003 in Tortkol district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.  Her nationality is Turkmen, she knows the Turkmen language and Uzbek well. She graduated from the 24th general secondary school with excellent grades.  She graduated from school in 2021, and in the same year she became a student of the "Elementary Education" faculty of Tashkent University of Applied Sciences.  She works at school No. 24, where she graduated, and is a master of her profession. She has been writing articles since she was 20 years old and has students.   The first article is "The role of Makhtimkuli Firoghi in world history".  She is engaged in journalism and opened a course.  Until now, several scientific and journalistic articles have been published in international journals.  She has participated in many anthologies and almanacs in this regard in Azerbaijan, Turkey, Belarus, Germany, Kenya, and European countries.  She also organized a personal anthology.  In the anthology "CREATORS OF THE YEAR", a scientific article entitled "METHODICS OF MATHEMATICS TEACHING IN PRIMARY CLASSES" and an article by her students were published.  Her creative work "Methods Of Attention Of Primary Class Students" was published in the Kenyan anthology "SERENITY A COMPILATION OF ART AND LITERATURE BY WOMEN" and received a certificate.  In the "Blue Sky Stars" anthology, her creative scientific article "EDUCATIONAL METHODS AND TOOLS IN PRIMARY CLASSES" and the articles of her students were published and received a certificate.  A scientific article entitled "THE SUBJECT AND TASKS OF MOTHER LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY IN PRIMARY GRADES" was published in the journal of the scientific practical conference "New Seekers" and received a diploma, certificate, letter of acceptance, author's certificate.  The scientific article titled "METHODS OF ATTENTION OF PRIMARY CLASS STUDENTS" was published and received an international invitation and an international certificate.  The story "JANNATIM ONAM" and the poem "ONAM" were published in the anthology "Tazim to you mother" which took part in the contest "Ship of Knowledge" of Russia and took the honorable 1st place.  The poem "Father and Mother" was published in his personal anthology "Future Scientists".  The poem "Orzulari Osman Kiz" was published in the anthology "Youth of Uzbekistan" and received a diploma, a statuette, and a book.  In the anthology "Yoshlar Bayozi", the article "My Profession: How to Be a Primary School Teacher" was published, and she received a diploma, a statuette, and a book, certificate, medal holder.  The poem "This is a world full of fakes" was published in the anthology "Uzbek women-girls" and received a certificate.  Currently, her creative works are regularly published in "Kenya Times" magazine and International sites and indexed in Google.  Holder of international certificates.
In life's bitter tapestry, threads entwined,
Where anguish and sorrow forever intertwined.
A chalice filled with pain, a heavy weight,
As fate unfurls its cruel, relentless fate.
The taste of bitterness lingers on the tongue,
A bitter pill to swallow, hard to be sung.
Disappointment's sting, a poison dart,
Leaving scars that tear and rend the heart.
Betrayal's venom courses through the veins,
A serpent's bite that shatters and refrains.
The loss of loved ones, a chasm deep,
Where grief's tears flow in torrents, never to sleep.
Like a ship adrift, tossed by stormy seas,
Life's bitter winds batter with relentless ease.
Each wave of sorrow crashes on the shore,
Threatening to engulf, to leave one forevermore.
Hope, a fragile flame, flickers and dies,
As darkness cloaks the soul with its despairing skies.
The weight of burdens crushes the weary mind,
Leaving behind a hollow shell, devoid and blind.
But even in the depths of bitter pain,
A flicker of resilience may still remain.
A tiny spark, struggling to take flight,
A beacon of hope in the darkest of night.
For life's bitterness is not a final end,
But a crucible that can refine and mend.
With courage as our armor, we may stand,
And face the bitterness with strength in hand.
Through the storms and trials, we will persevere,
Finding solace in the knowledge we can endure.
The lessons we learn in life's bitter school,
Will make us wiser, stronger, and more resolute.
So let us embrace the bitterness with grace,
Knowing that it too shall pass in time and space.
For in the tapestry of life's grand design,
Even the bitter threads contribute to a tapestry divine.

She was born in 1998 in Shofirkon district of Bukhara region. The young artist's poems have been published several times in newspapers and magazines such as "Shofirkon ovozi", "Buxoroyi Sharif", "Istiqlol g'unchalari", "Buxoro adabiyoti va san'ati", "Bilimdon", "Dono word". Collections entitled "Nurli manzillar", "Beg'ubor orzular" have been published. Currently, she is an independent student of the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute.
If you get it, happiness will live with you,
Love will never leave.
There will always be blessings in your home,
A parent's prayer worth gold.
May your path be pure and white,
If you receive their blessing.
Your hand always holds goodness,
If you follow his advice.
Prayers will surely bring happiness,
An example of a lighthouse that lights your way.
Don't make a dream if you don't get it in time
Do your duty right now.
Angels reach your heart,
It's like dawn and dusk everywhere.
Take my word without a doubt,
Parents' prayer is like a gem.
"Where are you, mother?"
Day and night the longing eye looks at the road,
"Where are you, mother?" say every word.
 What is wrong with the poor baby?
Crying is a child of kindness.
He envies those who have a mother,
He asked for forgiveness in search of his parents.
Mother knew where the love came from,
Crying is a child of kindness.
My mother is looking forward to coming,
He is holding a photo from his birthday.
I don't know what's in his tongue
Crying is a child of kindness.
After all, a child is the joy of a home.
The meaning of life is the support of the father.
She is the graft of the heart, mother's trust,
Crying is a child of kindness.
Some are even half a nail,
The market is not a house with children for nothing.
What is the point of withering the flower?
Crying is a child of kindness.