Rubric-Young Creators

Rubric-Young Creators

Tahirova Dilnoza  She was born on January 3, 2009 in the family of intellectuals in Gurlan district of Khorezm region.
In 2015, he was admitted to the 1st grade at General Secondary School No. 5 in Gurlan district, and is now a 10th grade student.
Apart from school textbooks, she participates in various clubs. Dilnoza can easily communicate in English and Russian for years. Shee is the owner of a number of creative works in the direction of designer and artist.
During the years 2020-2023, he worked as the head of the Educational Department of the Union of Youth Affairs of Khorezm Region. At the same time, he started organizational work among young people with a number of his new projects. Her articles were published in the book "Leading women of Uzbekistan - girls" in Turkey.
Tahirova Dilnoza  Currently
10th grade in Gurlan district of Khorezm region. student. Annotation. This article describes Khorezm region in detail and its history accurate information is mentioned. While reading this article, you will see how wonderful Khorezm oasis and you will see that it is the corner of the left. Key words. Our republic, Khorezm region, history and culture, pedagogue, school, science, youth, science and educational tool. Renewal of public education system. After the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan changes are taking place in all areas.  This is also the most first of all, a huge change in the mind and thinking of our people is related to being. Also in the field of education, as required by the times big changes, i.e. restructuring of educational work, their search for new and form styles, apply them in practice, the concept of humanitarianism in school life, folk pedagogy to fully introduce the traditions and ideas of cooperative pedagogy, respect for the personality of the teacher, the education of students and teachers establishing a relationship based on mutual trust and on this basis, education of an all-rounded person at school
It is an urgent problem of today.
For this purpose, on August 29, 1997, the Republic of Uzbekistan The Law "On Education" was adopted. During the years of independence, Khorezm region, along with other regions, underwent major changes in the field of education. New modern schools, colleges, and higher education institutions were built. .
All these are the fruits of independence. Khorezm region is located in the north-west of the Republic of Uzbekistan. On January 15, 1938 The land area is 6.05 thousand square kilometers and is 1.4% of the territory of Uzbekistan. occupies. The current population is equal to 1815.3 thousand people as of 2018. Here Ark, Kaltaminor, Pahlavon Mahmud mausoleum, Dishanqal'a monuments stand out The Ichankala monument complex in Khiva is on the UNESCO world list.
introduced. The 2500th anniversary of the ancient city of Khiva, a jewel of the East, in 1997 was an international widely established. The population is mainly Uzbeks, as well as Turkmens, Russians, Kazakhs, Tatars, Koreans, Korkalpaks and others. representatives of the ethnic group also live there consists of Amudarya is very important in the economic life of the region. Polvon, Yermish, Shavat and Kylichniyozboy canals distribute Amudarya water throughout the region. Soil, water and in addition to climatic possibilities, healing salt lakes, raw materials used in construction (sand, stone, cane) are also available. The region is among the regions of the country in terms of population takes the last places. Khorezm residents take into account that the air becomes dry and hot in the summer build a thick straw wall wide and high (4-5 m). A thick thatched wall is the inside of the house ensures that the temperature and humidity are kept at the same level. Due to the closeness of groundwater to the surface of the earth, the ground fills and becomes a reservoir for various purposes.
The economy of the region mainly consists of agro-industry complex. Khiva, Shavot, Yangariqtuman the weight of cotton is especially large. In Gurlan district, sholipoyas occupy a large area lays Along with cotton, grain, alfalfa, maize, potatoes and sugarcane crops are grown in fertile lands is cultivated. The integration of cotton farming with other sectors of the economy
allows for rational use of water and manpower. All of the province
In the districts, polys crops are planted. Urganch is the administrative, economic and cultural center of the region. Food industry in the city It is second only to light industry in terms of importance. The city produces electric power at Takhiatosh IES and Tuyamoyin receives from GES. In the northern part of the city, mainly residential buildings, scientific and cultural and educational institutions, and production enterprises are located in the southern part. Urganch State University, Tashkent State University of Economics and Tashkent State University are located in the city. there are departments of the medical academy. Khiva is a city rich in ancient, national architectural monuments in the region. Khiva is artistic is an important center of handicrafts. Here, exquisite skills in wood and stone carving, jewelry, painting, embroidery, coppersmithing, and pottery are passed down from generation to generation. is coming Khiva is the homeland of the famous Uzbek mathematician, astronomer and geographer Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khorazmi. Used literature. 1. GEOGRAPHY ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL GEOGRAPHY OF UZBEKISTAN. Grade 8. AUTUMN MUSAYEV, JAHONGIR MUSAYEV
2. World Political Society. Gulistan-2018. Author: Arif Ayupov, Candidate of History, Associate Professor.
Orinbayeva Lalezar Azadbay was born on April 8, 2003 in Tortkol district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.  Her nationality is Turkmen, she knows the Turkmen language and Uzbek well. She graduated from the 24th general secondary school with excellent grades.  She graduated from school in 2021, and in the same year she became a student of the "Elementary Education" faculty of Tashkent University of Applied Sciences.  She works at school No. 24, where she graduated, and is a master of her profession. She has been writing articles since she was 20 years old and has students.   The first article is "The role of Makhtimkuli Firoghi in world history".  She is engaged in journalism and opened a course.  Until now, several scientific and journalistic articles have been published in international journals.  She has participated in many anthologies and almanacs in this regard in Azerbaijan, Turkey, Belarus, Germany, Kenya, and European countries.  She also organized a personal anthology.  In the anthology "CREATORS OF THE YEAR", a scientific article entitled "METHODICS OF MATHEMATICS TEACHING IN PRIMARY CLASSES" and an article by her students were published.  Her creative work "Methods Of Attention Of Primary Class Students" was published in the Kenyan anthology "SERENITY A COMPILATION OF ART AND LITERATURE BY WOMEN" and received a certificate.  In the "Blue Sky Stars" anthology, her creative scientific article "EDUCATIONAL METHODS AND TOOLS IN PRIMARY CLASSES" and the articles of her students were published and received a certificate.  A scientific article entitled "THE SUBJECT AND TASKS OF MOTHER LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY IN PRIMARY GRADES" was published in the journal of the scientific practical conference "New Seekers" and received a diploma, certificate, letter of acceptance, author's certificate.  The scientific article titled "METHODS OF ATTENTION OF PRIMARY CLASS STUDENTS" was published and received an international invitation and an international certificate.  The story "JANNATIM ONAM" and the poem "ONAM" were published in the anthology "Tazim to you mother" which took part in the contest "Ship of Knowledge" of Russia and took the honorable 1st place.  The poem "Father and Mother" was published in his personal anthology "Future Scientists".  The poem "Orzulari Osman Kiz" was published in the anthology "Youth of Uzbekistan" and received a diploma, a statuette, and a book.  In the anthology "Yoshlar Bayozi", the article "My Profession: How to Be a Primary School Teacher" was published, and she received a diploma, a statuette, and a book.  , certificate, medal holder.  The poem "This is a world full of fakes" was published in the anthology "Uzbek women-girls" and received a certificate.  Currently, her creative works are regularly published in "Kenya Times" magazine and international sites and indexed in Google.  Holder of international certificates.
From happiness, a gentle breeze,
A tranquil stream that flows with ease.
A meadow bathed in golden light,
Where laughter dances, pure and bright.
From happiness, a vibrant hue,
A rainbow's arch against the blue.
A butterfly's wings, a graceful flight,
A symphony of colors, day and night.
From happiness, a fragrant bloom,
A garden's treasure, chasing gloom.
A gentle touch, a whispered word,
A heartstrings' melody, softly stirred.
From happiness, a cozy nest,
Where love and warmth forever rest.
A sanctuary of peace and grace,
A haven where contentment finds its place.
From happiness, a soaring lark,
Its joyful song, a joyful spark.
A spirit free, untamed, unbound,
In boundless skies, its wings astound.
From happiness, a gentle rain,
Nurturing dreams, washing away pain.
A cleansing shower, fresh and new,
A promise of renewal, pure and true.
From happiness, a guiding star,
Illuminating paths both near and far.
A beacon of hope, a steady light,
Leading us through darkness into the night.
From happiness, a precious gem,
A treasure to be cherished, a diadem.
A gift divine, a priceless find,
A treasure we must always keep in mind.
So let us cherish happiness, hold it dear,
For in its embrace, our hearts find cheer.
May happiness forever be our guide,
A constant companion by our side.

He was born on March 25, 1984 in the family of intellectuals in Gurlan district of Khorezm region. During 1990 - 1998, he studied at General Secondary School No. 1 in Gurlan district.
During the years 1998-2001, he successfully completed his studies at Gymnasium No. 6 in Gurlan district with excellent grades. During the years 2001-2003, she studied at the Electro-Medical Technical College in the capital of Tashkent, in the field of Nursing, and at the same time graduated from the educational institution with excellent grades. Currently, he is a 5th-year student of Pre-School Education at Urganch State University. He can easily communicate in Russian and Turkish languages. He is working as a teacher in Specialized Preschool Education Organization No. 9 in Gurlan District. In 2003, he was awarded the medal "Sacrifice of his profession". His articles were published in the book "Women Leaders of Uzbekistan" in Turkey.
An article was also published in "MT KENYA TIMES".
"Methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​to children in the Preschool Education Organization" Karimova Navbahor Mahmudzhanovna. Khorazm Gurlann district of the region. Correspondence at Urganch State University. Preschool student and. Specialized No. 9 in Gurlan district. Educator at Preschool Education Organization. Annotation. In this article, "Teaching children to learn language in preschool education organization "in the topic very important specific information is mentioned. By reading this article you you will learn about language teaching methods and guidelines for preschool children. Key words. Preschool, Education, Organization, children, language teaching, methods, educator Uzbekistan Republic, Language learning is one of the most important areas in human society. Language experience is taken into account by receiving, the student has to date Uzbek, Russian, foreign language (English, Spanish, German or French language) of the knowledge, skills and qualifications acquired from the foreign language material currently being studied a negative (interference) or positive (transposition/facilitation) effect on learning is understood. For example, when teaching the grammatical phenomenon called "article" in a foreign language, its Uzbek due to its non-existence, the concept of "article" related to this grammatical category is formed. As a result, the student's language experience is now enriched with "newness" in a foreign language. Present from grammar, o Learn the past and future tenses (e.g. Present Indefinite, Presente de Indicative, Prasens, Present) In learning, their use (function), construction (form) and meaning (semantics) are different requires a methodical approach. The functional side of the verb tense is almost a challenge for students, because It is known from the Uzbek language that the grammatical event "represents a repeated action". In such a situation, students learn a foreign language with the help of knowledge gained from the experience of their mother tongue
makes it possible to acquire. The construction (form) of this verb tense is in Uzbek and foreign languages completely different. Tense formed from two foreign words (auxiliary and leading verbs). When learning the form (e.g. Future Indefinite, Future Simple, Futurum I, Futur simple) students It is recommended to use Russian (second language) as part of language experience (budu+delat, budesh+a person). After all, forming the verb tense in the mother tongue is a foreign language phenomenon (future tense). method is not optimal in teaching, in this case, the experience of the native language prevents (interference) inevitable. Among living creatures, only humans have the ability to think. Thinking words, phrases and It is a complex mental process that is carried out by using sentences in speech activity. Foreign language It is no exaggeration or mistake to say that learning is a process of doing exercises. This is the dynamic side of the exercise. Its static (state) aspect is educational material in the textbook in the way it is organized. An exercise in statics is a certain number in a foreign language textbook or the content of the lesson, which consists of two parts, marked with a letter or specially highlighted educational-methodical category is understood. The parts of the exercise are called "exercise requirement (title)" and "exercise material" in methodical literature. spoken text) can be. An exercise in dynamics — from writing a letter or pronouncing a sound to a text that a student performs in a foreign language It is a learning activity that goes up to perceiving and understanding or expressing one's thoughts freely. Exercise ing in statics is the product of the textbook author's creativity, and in dynamics speech is a skill and are practical actions and attempts to develop skills. According to theoretical considerations, it became clear what the content of foreign language teaching is. It is necessary only for scientific-methodical analysis that the educational material studied/taught in the educational process should be three-fold (topics, skills, material). There are three parts in the educational process serves as a source of holistic learning. Educational content, including foreign language teaching content, from the "ocean" of experiences collected in the natural and social spheres of objective reality drops are instilled into the pupils. Astronomical experience "spark" - the content of foreign language teaching in the imagination of students is a huge software training material. In other words, the selected teaching content In the eyes of the students, it is the maximum (in the largest amount) of learning, and in the eyes of the teacher, it is the minimum (in the smallest amount). are selected, distributed, classified and studied taking into account the characteristics of their mastery
provided for. The stages of selection, classification, distribution and presentation are specific methods It is carried out with the help of criteria. From the stages of preparation and acquisition of language material will pass. Students' mother tongue and second language experiences during the selection period of the preparatory stage is not taken into account. Classification, distribution and presentation are based on students' language experience in the paragraph, the components of the foreign language teaching content - speech topics, speech skills and language information is given about the materials. a part of grammar events taught with special rules and appropriate exercises enters. Each grammatical phenomenon has one, two or three (function, semantics, form) aspects can take place in the content of teaching grammar. Used literature. 1. FOREIGN LANGUAGE 0 'RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. - 2012. JAMAL JALALOV. 2. Bekmuridova. U. B. "Using innovative technologies in teaching English" Tashkent 2012.

Majidova Sevinch Salimovna was born on March 8, 2004 in Shahrisabz district of Kashkadarya region. On September 1, 2010, she was admitted to the 1st grade at the 8th general secondary school located in Shahrisabz district. After graduating from school with excellent grades, in 2021 she was admitted to the Faculty of Elementary Education of Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami. She is currently a 4th-year student at the Faculty of Elementary Education. During his career, he participated in many webinars, courses and competitions and received diplomas and certificates in many fields. Currently, she is fluent in Turkish, Arabic and is studying English and Russian. In her spare time, she reads books on various subjects and learns languages.
When I think of a father, I think of a person who does not think about himself, who only calls his children, his family, who works tirelessly, eats 2 buns himself, and shares the rest with his children. Yes, you heard it right, my grandfather is my mountain of support, the vision of our home, the one who washes away the harshness with his love, the one I always want to follow as an example, the light of my life path, the representative of my goals, my grateful advisor, When I'm upset, I'm a person who explains it nicely without hurting my heart. A father is a person who is knocked down by many, but who fights and leads like a hero. It's not easy for me to talk about my father... because I have no words to describe them. Every time I am compared to my father, the sparks of pride and happiness shine on my face. I am proud to be this person's child.
The father's role in the family is like a gardener, a gardener. A gardener carefully cultivates his garden, paying attention to each plant. A father also carefully raises and educates his children, helps them build their way of life. Parents never separate their children, that is, they never put one child above the other. All their children are equal to them. Whether they are boys or girls. But some fathers want their children to be born only as boys. They do not appreciate girls. Many families with daughters know this well. There are such fathers, when they are waiting with hope, they are thankful that their 7th child will be born as a girl. In fact, a girl child is more affectionate towards her father than a boy child. A girl is a little angel on earth. Let's learn to thank God whether he gives a girl child or a boy child. How many nails are there in the world...
In our religion, the duties of parents to their children and, conversely, the duties of children to their parents have been shown. For example, the Holy Qur'an of AllahSurah "Ahqaf" in verse 15 says: "We have commanded man to do good to his parents..." In every matter that does not disobey God, the father is obeyed. There is a proverb among our people: "Father is pleased, God is pleased." We, the children, should consult with our father and get his consent before starting any work. The work started with the approval of our father will surely flourish and develop. Our work will be fruitful and blessed. There is no blessing in the work that is started without the consent of the father. Another saying is used among our people: "Even if your father is mad, tie him up." This phrase has a lot of meaning. We just need to understand its meaning and continue to do good to them. Because this is our filial duty. Before starting to do good with the people around us, it is appropriate that we start with our parents first. Imagine saying "I love you so much. Thank you for what you are. I am proud of you."
Our life does not always go smoothly, one day we are lucky, the next day luck turns away from us. At that time, only our parents are standing next to us. They support us and show us the right way. Let's appreciate our parents during their lifetime, let's do them a lot of good. Thank you for being our parents...
Uzbekistan 9th grade student of the 8th school of Bukhara region

(To my teacher Yakhshiyeva Khurshida)
Raised a great future,
A kind teacher like my mother and father.
The earth knows me, the sky
Immaculate, innocent, respected teacher.
I'm lucky to have it, it's a treasure,
All hearts rejoice at his mercy
My mother has a beautiful smile
The eloquent tongues spread their words.
He goes to school very excited.
Notebook in hand, book in bag,
Over the mountains and valleys,
The sun illuminates its bright paths.
Only one month in my mind, in my mind,
A series of data sharing.
May God make every day a holiday
I will write you the most beautiful poem.
My child is not thinking, my student says.
Homework sometimes gets left behind.
My support eats my sorrow
He always warns against the bad way.
Khursida, my teacher is alone in the world,
His kindness reaches the whole ummah,
His words shake the world even,
The sorrows that come will go away in an instant.
Always walk in honor, master.
Go on pilgrimages, be pilgrims,
My existence is a world without you
Be filled with joy and happiness.
We also fall in love in your house every moment,
Let's go to Koroga, my love, you
A beautiful epic written in your name,
Protect us in your prayers!

Motivation is a reason or force that urges a person to start, continue or stop an action or process. This force influences human behavior, motivates him to do or learn something. It is true that this term is gaining popularity today, especially among young people. They look for motivation to start learning or doing something. Therefore, this topic is very common among today's youth and has caused a lot of interest. 
Is motivation really that important? If it is important, why is it important?
The reason for this is simple. Motivation, often fueled by curiosity, drives us forward in life. Motivation is what motivates us to learn, improve, and set and achieve goals. As a result, motivated youth feel happier, more energized, and more confident in whatever they do. A lack of motivation can lead to unhappiness and risky behaviors such as substance abuse. A world without motivation and interests would be a world without progress, development or hopelessness. So today, motivation is really important for young people. It helps young people to set goals and guide our actions and achieve success. We young people get this motivation from older people, teachers, scientists who have achieved various achievements and try to be like them.