Poem by Sajid Hussain (Prepared Angela Kosta)

Poem by Sajid Hussain (Prepared Angela Kosta)
A veil of darkness cloaks the little house,
Half buried in grass, 
half smothered in snow,
A muddy base anchors it to the earth,
Darkness stretches its limbs further,
As snowstorms surge and swell,
Outside, snow accumulates in the tempest,
Emptiness spreads its wings inside the house,
A fragile hulk sways in the calm storm,
But dread grasps tight in the wild array,
Sleep flirts with open eyes, syncs with sight,
That tender light winks from afar,
Harshly on the visage adorned with piercing frowns,
Drifting in nights the rest reorients its course,
Month after month until the hairs turn gray,
Colours that blaze with nameless grace,
How dear is this dwelling place,
Innocence at peace with all below,
Denies wearing the mask of a long journey.

Prepared Angela Kosta Executive Director of MIRIADE Magazine, Academic, journalist, writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, editor, translator, promoter