Tursunboyeva Nigora Abdumannob

Freedom walks the open road, beneath the endless sky,
It’s in the wings of eagles, in every question why.
It’s the fire in the belly, the spark in every mind,
A hunger for the unknown, for what we seek to find.
It’s the voice that won’t be silenced, the hand that won’t be chained,
The song that breaks the silence, when nothing else remained.
It’s the courage in the lonely, the strength in those who stand,
The power of a whispered word, that moves across the land.
Freedom isn’t something bought, it’s not a thing to sell,
It’s the beating heart within us, where hopes and dreams do dwell.
It’s the tear that speaks of longing, the smile that hides the pain,
The force that drives us forward, through sunshine and through rain.
It’s the right to be imperfect, to stumble and to fall,
The grace to rise above it, to answer to our call.
It’s the chance to live our truth, to walk our chosen way,
To stand with head unbowed, in the light of each new day.
But freedom is a fragile thing, it needs our constant care,
A flame that must be tended, a breath of open air.
It lives within our choices, in every step we take,
In the love that binds us together, in the risks we dare to make.
So hold it close, this freedom, for it’s more than just a word,
It’s the rhythm of our spirits, the song that must be heard.
It’s the heart of who we are, the soul of all we’ll be,
The dream that keeps us human, forever wild and free.
Tursunboyeva Nigora Abdumannob qizi was born on February 23, 2009, in Uzbekistan. She is currently a 10th-grade student at the Is'hoqxon Ibrat Creative School. She is fluent in English, Russian, German, and Uzbek. Due to her interest in literature, she writes poems, stories, and articles. Her creative works have been published in numerous renowned international journals, such as The Mount Kenya Times, The Diaspora Times, Classico Opine, The Seoul Times, Raven Cage, Synchronized Chaos, Kavya Kishor, Orfeu.al, Elisa mascia and many other magazines and newspapers. This year, she won literary competitions and was awarded two medals. She is interested not only in creativity but also in volunteering, and she is currently continuing her volunteer activities.And she is an active member of the World Writers and Artists Working Group Juntos Por Las Letras.