Poem by Tamali Neogi (Prepared Angela Kosta)

Poem by Tamali Neogi (Prepared Angela Kosta)
From a distance I see her today,
A joyful, loving, pure being,
as impassioned as a river in Monsoon.
Besides the intense grief,
what quietens the young damsel among friends?
My mind
like a frivolous, fun-loving woman
through forty summers,
stops for a second look at the mirror,
to see me a bit differently.
Like a big tree is uprooted suddenly
initial restlessness sets in
 same happens to the small guests,
sheltered for long.
The unanticipated departure of a father figure,
mirrors up strangeness of life
as the mind goes into spin
over the rigmarole of life
to sit hushed and introspect.
Myriad questions, myriad reactions
couched in multihued robes
impress and digress
as my mind reverts and asks
who am I?
I am Mississippi, I am Nile,
I am Ganga the woman, Tigris-Euphrates,
Born and reborn in different ages,
to flow and flow as ever.
Unfazed by the tides of human history
I am eternity;
on my forehead concentrate
the myths and the archetypes,
undying, unperishable flavour of truth,
I am Tess, I am Ruth.
Sadness and happiness
Siamese twins
But I am just one thing,
unending experience.
Prepared Angela Kosta Academic, journalist, writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, editor, translator