Doctor of Philosophy Psychologist. Psychotherapist. Poet. Essayst, wasborn in the City of Art of San Severo (FG) and lives in the province of Bergamo, She has received Important Career Awards, and other cultural and literary awards of great value: First Prizes. Trophies. Special Awards. Critics and many others important awards. both poetic and literary
On 25th October 2024, with other names of great personalities of the international scene, at the PIME in Milan she was awarded for Excellence in Career for the Literature category with the following motivation "For usingher position and skills to improve society through social.
The books of herpoems and the poetic and artistic Stararycollectionsshehascreated and curated, born in various fields and intended for the purpose of charity. are characterized by considerableliterary, poetic and social depth. Herpoems.
translated intootherlanguagesaswellias the 19 volumespublished. are found in manyltalian and foreignanthologies, natiorial and international magazines on paper and on websites in alhonesty we can saythather works havereceived a particular and flatteringpraise from both the public and critics.
This is the context in which the international terature and poetry competition she wanted and supported and of which she is president fits in, a role she also holds at the associative level.
"LA MAGIA DELLE PAROLE" which has achieved considerable success over the years and which was present, with great pride of the entire Movement, in the schedule of Bergamo-Brescia Capitale della Cultura-2023. In 2024, she has been honored with the title of Knight of the Italian Republic (Cavaliere della Repubblica italiana). The author, who is also activeas creator and organizer of national and international literary events, has written articles, essays, reviews and prefaces. She is alsojuror and president, even honorary, in important literary competitions of great prestige. The poet her selfis the creator and co-founder of the cultural association "Movimento Internazionale Artistico Letterario Group", also presentas Facebook group, since 2017. with the aim of promoting and encouraging the development. exchange and diffusion of culture, poetry, literature and art.
Slowly are memories laid down
on antique cushions
searching for stripes of colors
to lean on
suspended dreams
between fast clock hands
and river streams
that imperturbably
continues the race.
Slowly are memories laid down
making me find my first
cries in gold boxes.
Don't despair if life
Is not not sweet chocolate
spread on bread
early in the morning,
if you can't find on the street
who opens his arms
coming towards you,
if your wounds still
burn under the sensitive
skin and you can't find the warmth
of yesterday's kisses,
if the blankets are short
and the tears let
the cold in at night,
if for a while
you don't hear orchestras
playing and the sun shining
and you can't see beyond the mountain
you are climbing.
It happens, you know, it happened
also to me, too many times,
but then you realize that everything passes
and you feel much
better than before and you can
again meet
hearts that smile
that perhaps already smiled at you
without you realizing.
It happens, you know, that your torments
have given way
to kisses from other souls
ready to hold you in their arms
to warm your body and soul.
And, as you continue to climb
you will still be able to listen,
coming from everywhere,
to many types of music.
Lying on green meadows
soaked in hope
we leafed through pages
to the sound of love.
Swirls of colors,
breaths of souls
intertwined with perfumes
of wet skins.
Essences of youth
that made us fly
transforming us,
and that still today
we carry on.
Lace wrinkles on my face,
written lines of stories,
smiles, suffering:
novel of emotions
and experienced feelings.
Your gaze lingers
When you meet me,
but don't look at my skin,
the stick I carry,
the hands that tremble,
the old bent body.
See me in the depths of my soul
where as a child I play and live my youth
and hug me blessing the sky
to have beena ble to see mine,
but also yours, metamorphosis.
We need bridges built by hands
capable of unraveling knots
gangrenous from the neglect of time,
from endless greed
and by the inability to see beyond the walls.
In place of rusty painful
flats of barbed wire,
visible or invisible,
let us bury seeds of flowers
resistant and colorful:
corridors of arms that know how to love,
of hearts that know how to sing,
of ropes that support
and keep the paths clear from one bank
to another, from one dawn to another.
Intertwining of bright streets that allow
to look into each other's eyes without fear.
We must honor life to the fullest
and celebrate it moment after moment, always.
(Translated: Costantina Bruno)