Abeera Mirza

Abeera Mirza
One of my childhood dream is to fly 
To see the beauty beneath the sky 
At the clouds I wish to jump and play
With no worries I like to be there and stay 
Just like angels I wish to have wings
I also want to listen how they sing
Same with birds up above freely flying 
Goin' over where sun and moon is kissing 
I wonder how high I could fly 
But no matter how hard I'll try
From morn till dawn I'll never get tired 
Till I reach the heaven far from sight 
I'll soar into the sky to welcome twilight 
To behold closely the scintillating starlight 
Embracing immense pulchritude of nighttime
Is a bizarre feeling to store for a lifetime
To fly is my dream from the past up to now 
A dream, I dreamed and still dreaming.
©Abeera Mirza
Writer's Biography: 
“Writing is the tool of emotional healing”. Meet Abeera Mirza, an English literature gold medalist, teacher and gifted poet. She won numerous awards for her passion for words. Her poem “Sorry” has inspired readers to heal. It started with poetry and progressed to prose. Abeera has contributed to more than 200 anthologies and many international magazines such as Raven Cage (Germany), Barcelona Magazine (Spain), Pencraft Literary Magazine (Bangladesh), International Literature Language Journal (USA), Alessandra Today, (Italy) Cultural Reverence WordPress, (India) Orfeu. Al, (Albania), Fatehpur Resolution Blogspot (India) and Poetic Essence Publications (India). Her interview has been published on The Mount Kenya Times and Poetic Essence Publications (India). She has won many titles such as Miss Literary Critic by her university. (University of Lahore, Pakistan). Her inner peace is ignited by reading and traveling. She is serving as a jury member for Maverick Writing Community, India where she helps emerging writers to grow. Her perspective is expanded by diverse poetic exploration. Her passion for learning is endless. She is always looking to learn more beyond boundaries. Abeera’s writing style has touched countless lives. It gives a deep understanding of words and their ability to bring change. She is renowned for healing hearts. May her words help in healing.
Facebook|Instagram: @abeera_quotes
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