Yusufjonova Ogilkhan - Instead of a look

Yusufjonova Ogilkhan - Instead of a look
          My favorite book is O'tkir Hashimov's "Works of the World". As every reader has a hero, my hero is my "Mother"!
           The most blessed, the greatest kind and hardworking person in this bright world is Mother! A mother gives life to a person, she is the only one who is ready to give her life for her child. Thinking about the future of her child, she tries to raise him as a perfect person from an early age. As Otkir Hashimov wrote, "There is a magical force in the world that does not recognize any boundaries and radiates constant light like the sun, this is mother's love."
             A mother is like the sun. There is no limit to his care and warm affection. He does everything he can to make our life full of light, he dies and resurrects several times. A dagger will be thrust into his bosom if his child is in trouble. A child's stain, separation leaves a mother's heart on fire. If the mother was burned alive, she would not suffer so much. If the joy of the mother is weighed against the pain, it is clear that the joys of a lifetime cannot be compared to the pain of a day...
             If they ask who is the greatest person, without thinking for a moment, I will answer that it is my mother. If there is a mother, my motherhood will be selfless. I wouldn't trade a strand of my mother's gray hair for the world. I remember that I would dedicate my entire life to the moments spent at night on my pillow. I am proud of my mother. Not because she loves me and does nothing less than anyone, but because she is the most sincere, kind-hearted, kind Uzbek mother, and I am proud and proud to be the child of such a woman.
         In conclusion, I can say that "Paradise is under the feet of mothers". Let's appreciate our mothers in time! After all, our mother is our priceless wealth.
Yusufjonova Ogilkhan.
She was born on May 7, 2007 in the Uchkurgan district of the Republic of Uzbekistan. She studies at the Uchkurgan specialized school belonging to the agency team. (entered in 2023) 
His creative ideas are reflected in the poetic collections "Nurli izlar" and "Yoshlar bayozy". 
Student of the Republic of the mother tongue. 
Translated, prepared and adapted by the author herself