Faizulloev Abramat - Poem

Faizulloev Abramat - Poem
There is a mother, 
the world is bright, 
Mother is the lamp of life. 
He enlivens the world with his love, 
There is a mother and a person is created.
Tongues were speechless at the tariff, 
I have mercy on you. Without my world, 
my mother, I will fly with you.
I embrace the worlds together, 
I shine with your love. 
Be happy always be healthy,
 You are my sunshine mom. 
Faizulloev Abramat
The son of Faizulloev Abramat Saifi was born on June 1, 2003 in the Dehkanabad district of the Kashkadarya region. He is a student of the 2nd level of the University of Economics and Pedagogy, the Republic of Uzbekistan. Armasi is the owner of the badge for "international services". 5 participants of the international anthology and 2 manuals are currently on sale on 10 sites of morebooks. He is also a holder of a high-level diploma of Navoi city administration and a member of the Golden Wings of the Republic.
Translated, prepared and adapted by the author himself