Yang Geum-Hee - Poetic cycle -I-
Poetess Ms. Yang Geum-Hee, born in 1967 in Jeju, Korea, has authored two poetry collections, Happiness Account and Ieodo: Island of Legend and Existence, as well as an essay collection titled Happy Companion. She was the founding president of the Ieodo Literature Association and the 2nd president of the Korean Association of World Literature. Ms. Yang also served as editor-in-chief at Jejuin News, a researcher at the Jeju Sea Grand Center of Jeju National University, and a specially appointed professor at Jeju International University.
Currently, she is an editorial writer for Samdailbo News Paper, a special researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences of Jeju National University, the president of the Jeju PEN, Vice President of the Korean Institute for Peace and Cooperation, and an executive member of the Korean Association of Ethics. Ms. Yang has received eight literary awards for her contributions to literature.
Her poetry has been translated into various languages and introduced in the United States, China, Japan, Germany, Russia, Italy, Spain, England, Taiwan, Nepal, Egypt, Greece, Pakistan, Vietnam, Albania, Bangladesh, Kosovo, Tajikistan, and more.
A Prayer for Peace
Let hearts that burn with deep disdain,
Flow into waters that soothe the pain,
And form as drops that gently blend,
To forge a path where peace won’t end,
So sons and daughters, free from strife,
May live in Gaza, full of life.
Let war’s desire drift away,
Flow into waters that calm the fray,
And may the warmth of peace extend,
To touch all lands and gently mend.
We pray for sunlight’s healing grace,
To spread the fragrance of peace in space,
And bind us close, all hate undone,
Together, breathing as if one.
Let war's intent now lose its hold,
Flow into waters calm and cold,
Light the torch that never dies,
With hearts as one, we rise and rise,
To greet the dawn, so bright and new,
A world reborn in peaceful hue.
평화를 위한 기도
깊은 경멸로 타오르는 마음이
고통을 달래는 물결로 흐르고,
부드럽게 섞이는 물방울 되어
끝없는 평화의 길을 이룰 수 있게 하소서.
그래서 아들딸들, 다툼 없는 자유 속에서
생명 넘치는 가자에서 살 수 있기를.
전쟁의 욕망이 사라져
혼란을 가라앉히는 물결로 흘러가고,
평화의 온기가 널리 퍼져
모든 땅을 감싸고 치유할 수 있기를.
햇살의 치유하는 은총을 위해 기도하오니,
평화의 향기를 우주에 퍼뜨려
모든 증오를 없애고, 우리를 하나로 묶어
함께 숨 쉴 수 있기를.
이제 전쟁의 의도가 그 힘을 잃고
차고 고요한 물결로 흘러가게 하소서.
영원히 꺼지지 않는 횃불을 밝혀
마음 하나 되어 일어서고 또 일어서서,
밝고 새로운 새벽을 맞이하며
평화의 색으로 다시 태어난 세상을 이루게 하소서.
The Path of Peace
As light shines brighter in the darkest night,
May peace break through with gentle might,
Seeping through Gaza's cracks of despair,
A beacon of hope in the heavy air.
Just as starlight travels from afar,
Reaching us from a distant star,
May peace ignite a flame so bright,
A lighthouse glowing through the night.
Follow its glow, O hearts in pain,
Though you wander, though you strain,
Even if your path seems dim,
The way of peace will call you in.
평화의 길
가장 어두운 밤 속에서 빛이 더욱 밝아지듯,
평화가 부드러운 힘으로 뚫고 나오길.
절망의 틈새 속 가자에 스며들어
무거운 공기 속 희망의 등불이 되기를.
마치 먼 별에서 온 별빛이
우리에게 다다르듯,
평화가 밝은 불꽃을 피워
밤을 밝히는 등대가 되길.
그 빛을 따라가라, 고통 속 마음들이여,
비록 방황하고 힘겨워도,
비록 너의 길이 어둑해 보여도,
평화의 길이 너를 부를 것이다
The wind doesn't ask the way
No matter how much time goes by,
Wind never getting older
Even thoughWinddoesn’t have a mouth
Wind always say something What have to say
Even though Wind doesn’t have eyes
Never lose her direction
When Wind face an angular face,
Wind alwaysblowing somewhere else,
Without scratching or hurting
Wind Never stay,
even though face soft face
When can I run on the crooked road on the earth,
without asking for directions
바람은 길을 묻지 않는다
세월이 가도
늙지 않는
바람의 나이
입이 없어도
할 말을 하고
눈이 없어도
방향을 잃지 않는다
모난 것에도
긁히지 않고
부드러운 것에도
머물지 않는다
나는 언제쯤
길을 묻지 않고
지상의 구부러진 길을
바람처럼 달려갈 수 있을까
Happy Account
Happy account,
Which is in the Heaven
Needless memorize password for Account
Even at night,
Shining star lights fill in the happy account
So, don’t worry about bankruptcy
Even though it’s a cloudy day
Believe that the clouds do contain happy account,
Behind of their dark clouds
When you see blue sky,
It’s a day,
You transfer love to happy account
Withdrawal is Always Possible
The happier,
The interest rate is high
A Crape Myrtle
When you get discouraged,
I call you a crape myrtle
Hoping you might be full of life,
As a flower tree red for one hundred days,
A crape myrtle.
Named like that
Your appearance, withering with heat,
Might recover subtle aroma and
Rosy color again,
And for one hundred days
You may put out prink buds,
I call you
A crape myrtle,
Pretending as if I don’t know your name.
풀죽은 너에게
백일홍 하고 부르면
백일쯤 생기를 더 뿜을 것 같아
다정히 불러본다
너를 부르면
무더위로 시들던 너의 자태에
은은한 향기와 화색이 돌아
백일쯤은 분홍 꽃망울
맘껏 피울 것 같아
네 이름 모른 척
7월에 꽃이 피기 시작하여 꽃이 다 지기까지 100일 정도 걸린다 하여 백일홍이라고 함.
Prepared Byeong Cheol Kang