Sophia, Saleh Azamat, Uzbekistan

Sophia, Saleh Azamat, Uzbekistan
Solihova Safiya Azamatovna - student of the UzSWLU 
Scientific adviser: Muxammedova Nilufar Eliboyevna
(PhD, Associate Professor)
       Language is a reflection of the culture. It represents the traditions of each
culture. Language reflects the values, beliefs, norms, and particular society’s
experiences. In general, language and culture are linked, constructing the lens
through which people view reality. Narrations and concerns with languages are not
new. These concerns have been one of the controversial topics before us, and will
continue being discussed after us. So many scientists and scholars have spent their
whole lives to find the origins of the goals and theories of modern linguistics in
past centuries. This article will explore how languages influences and is affected
by culture, investigating and examining the strong relationship between these two
aspects and elements via different examples and perspectives.
Key words: language, culture, traditions, society, people, linguistics.
Язык является отражением культуры. Он отражает традиции каждой нации и
культуры. Язык отражает ценности, убеждения, нормы и особенности
конкретного общества.  В целом язык и культура связаны между собой, через
которые люди видят реальность. Повествования о языках не являются
новыми. Эти опасения были одной из самых спорных тем, стоящих перед
нами, и будут обсуждаться после нас. Так много учёных и лингвистов
потратили свою целую жизнь, чтобы найти истоки целей и теорий
современной лингвистики в прошлые века. В этой статье мы рассмотрим, как
 язык и культура влияют друг на друга, исследуя и изучая прочную связь
между этими двумя аспектами и элементами с помощью различных
примеров и высказываниями.
Ключевые слова: язык, культура, традиции, общество, народ, языкознание.
Interestingly, language is a tool  by which we communicate with each other and
share ideas. Additionally, language is not just a tool for communication but an
important component of cultural identity and heritage. Language is the
representation of history in the shape of stories, legends, ballads and sayings.
These stories determine a peoples' perception of their history,  ideals, and other
elements of culture. These narratives shape a culture’s understanding of its origins.
 “Language is the road map of a culture. It tells you where its people
come from and where they are going” by Rita Mae Brown. “Knowledge of
languages is the doorway to wisdom” by Roger Bacon. To prove and explain the
answer to the question many people have about how language and culture correlate,
this article will explore the deep connection between these two.
As it is mentioned above, the connection between culture and language is strong
and profound. To make clear this connection, some interesting facts will be given:
Identity and language: The key component of either group or personal
 identity is a language. A number of individuals and different tribes feel a strong
 connection to their cultural heritage via the language they speak.
2. Storytelling Traditions: Language provides the tools for shaping different
stories, narratives that are specific to a particular culture. The power and beauty
of the oral storytelling is often contributed by the sounds and rhythm of a
language. In some countries traditional music and poetry accompany the
storytelling. For example, in Uzbek Language the storytelling is mostly
accompanied by poetry and some traditional music. This highlights strong
connection between its music and poetic traditions. Some of the stories are
narrated by bakhshii(storytellers) traditionally at some festivals and events, who
make every spectator dive into the Uzbek culture.
3. Perception of the color: It is interesting that some languages have more or
less terms for colors, that might affect on how speakers of those languages
perceive or categorize colors. For this Himba language, which is spoken in
Namibia, could be a prime example. To be precise, there are two separate words
for “brown” and “red”, but no any word for “orange”. From this we realize that
Himba speakers are likely to perceive orange and brown as separate colors than
English speakers, who have an exact term for “orange”.
4. Cultural and language loss: the loss of language and culture is a tragedy for
the humanity. When a language dies, it leads to the loss of cultural awareness
that are tied to that particular language. As it has been mentioned above each
language has unique traditional and historical poems, songs, narratives and
stories that have been told by many generations. For instance, the extinction of
Livonian language in the early 20th century was the reason for the loss of a rich
tradition of storytelling including with folk songs. “To kill a culture, destroy its
language” (Malcolm R.Campbell).
All in all, from all mentioned discussions above, it can be said that there is a close
bond between culture and language. Undoubtedly, both aspects have significant
 effects on each other. Additionally, it was said that if language becomes extinct,
culture will do so. Last but not least, the humanity ought to preserve languages to
save their cultures.
1. Sepideh Moghaddas Jafari. (2012, September). Language and Culture. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. P, 230-234.
3.  Malcolm R. Campbell. (2021, March 13). Malcom’s Round Table.
The article was published without the intervention of the editorial staff!