Shailesh Gupta Veer (Prepared Angela Kosta)

Shailesh Gupta Veer (Prepared Angela Kosta)
- Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer 
Actual or virtual 
world is world-
At both places 
we will find 
good and bad people,
We don't have to be desperate,
we have to stand firm!
Actual or virtual 
world is world-
We should 
never be disappointed,
and always do our work honestly.
Some people 
will push us 
and try to knock us
We don't have to be desperate,
we have to stand firm!
Actual or virtual 
world is world-
If here are 
some people jealous of you, 
some people also love you.
If some people here 
don't think good for you,
some people never want your inauspicious.
We have to try to end 
the dominance of evil,
We don't have to be desperate,
we have to stand firm!
Actual or virtual 
world is world-
The battle between 
good and evil 
continues for centuries,
Good always wins
goodness proves 
itself right 
in each and every hard time.
Almighty God is always with Good
we have seen always.
We will win again 
again and again
we will never leave the truth,
We don't have to be desperate,
we have to stand firm!
- Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer 
When I said to her
What do you think?
She replied-
I waited...
After a long silence
She replied again
Wait more!!
I will wait for her for centuries!
- Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer 
Now you are not you
while I am still I
your promises were false
but my love was true.
Difficult to believe that 
you have left me
your preterition has broken me
but the undying longing to live still remains.
Nicely you should understand it-
there is much more beyond you;
Want to sit in the lap of nature for a while,
so that on face again 
I can bring a buoyant smile.
© Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer
(Editor: Micropoetry Cosmos)
Fatehpur, UP, India
Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer is a renowned poet, critic, and editor. His poetry, translated into numerous languages, explores universal themes with unique style, imagery, and emotional depth. A literary icon, he champions innovation and artistic expression, inspiring emerging and established voices alike.
Some notable facts about Dr. Shailesh Gupta Veer's poetry:-
- Unique style: He has a distinct voice and style that blends traditional and modern elements.
- Imagery and symbolism: His poems are rich in sensory details and symbolic language.
- Emotional depth: His poetry explores complex emotions, thoughts, and experiences.
- Universal themes: He addresses universal themes like love, nature, spirituality, and human condition.
- Linguistic skill: He uses language skillfully, with a focus on rhythm, meter, and word choice.
- Experimentation and innovation: He experiments with form, structure, and language.
- Authenticity and sincerity: His poetry is genuine, honest, and true to his experiences and emotions.
- Interdisciplinary approach: He draws inspiration from various art forms, like music, painting, and philosophy.
Prepared Angela Kosta