Poem by Karabi Das Guwahati (Prepared Angela Kosta)

Poem by Karabi Das Guwahati (Prepared Angela Kosta)
We all are guests 
Of this world
Everyone has to leave oneday
May be ago or after
No one can live forever. 
Then why we are so much greedy for
Wealth, household property etc? 
Everything will fall apart
In the earth! 
Don't forget my friends
Everyone has the same final destination
But there ? 
No differences between
Rich and Poor
All are merged into 
Eternal sleep! 
No division between
Various caste , high and low! 
Why couldn't you stay
While living
With such harmony
Without spreading hatred! 
wouldn't it be then
The Heaven on earth?


Prepared Angela Kosta Academic, journalist, writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, editor, translator