Poem by Anila Bukhari - (Prepared Angela Kosta)

Poem by Anila Bukhari - (Prepared Angela Kosta)
Anila Bukhari is a wonderful girl from Pakistan. She is not only the pride of Pakistan but also a source of inspiration for the entire world. She is a champion of girls' rights education, a passionate advocate for children's rights, a dedicated peace ambassador, and visionary youth leader. She is also an incredible talented author with 11 bestselling books under her writing career. Her impact extends far beyond the borders of Pakistan. Anila's poems have been published on prestigious international magazine websites and have been translated into 16 different languages, including Hindi, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and many more. 
Her powerful words have reached readers in 50 countries through websites, journals, and anthologies. Growing up in a male-dominated society, Anila faced numerous challenges, but she refused to be silenced. Through her books, such as "No More Tears," "Whispers of the Heart," "Daughters Not a Curse," and "Magic Melodies," she fearlessly sheds light on pressing social issues. Anila raises her voice against child marriage, forced marriage, women's empowerment, girls' education, orphan rights, and many other topics that society often avoid discussing. In her books "The Change Maker" and "Moonlit Moments," she pays tribute to living legends, showcasing the talent and passion of remarkable artists and poets. 
Anila's journey as a writer began at the young age of 10, and she has been actively making a difference ever since. Her unwavering dedication to her cause has touched the lives of countless individuals, both young and old. Through her words, she inspires change, empowers others, and creates a better world for all. Anila Bukhari is a true beacon of hope and a shining example of what one determined individual can achieve. She received the International Community Services Award from the House of the Parliament London in November 2023, and she received the International Book Peace Award from Italy in 2021. Her poems are displayed at many art galleries, including USA and Philippines.
Though I might also leave at some point, 
I'll still see paradise, a chic vision.
Grant me the desire to be a shoulder 
for those in need,
A comforting wipe 
for those whose tears freely flow.
Let there be a sweet corner 
in your heart for the orphaned and lonely,
I do not ask for visits 
to my grave or tears 
to be sown forever and ever.
I implore you to share a smile with those who have lost their way,
Whose difficult lives have stolen their joy, leaving them in chaos.
Offer a bouquet of roses 
to people who long for a touch of care,
To those who have nobody, 
let them know that someone's there.

Prepared Angela Kosta