Charles Lipanda Mahigwe - Poetic cycle - Part -I-

Charles Lipanda Mahigwe - Poetic cycle - Part -I-
Charles Lipanda Mahigwe President of African Youth Artistic Poetry-AYAP 
On a day of love and sorrow 
I am still and quiet 
Like a silent sea 
I am loved and left 
In a silent night 
I dream of you
My eyes see unseen view 
Of our wonderland 
Butterflies on blue berries 
Hoping at attaching 
Black birds flying freely 
In our imaginary empire 
I am lying besides you 
Trying to pat your soften body 
On a steep surface of land 
Yet I only find myself holding 
And smashing silt and sand 
I imagine being with you here 
We would play and dive in this sea 
Following these ocean currents 
As they cause waves of water
Flowing silently as profound deaf
But you have left me in a condition
Of eutrophication
Unable to breath due to suffocation 
I am dying alive 
For noway to survive 
You didn't come to stay 
But to leave 
You taught me to love 
Yet you were chemistry 
Knowledge of applications 
Of love and pain 
Whose solution is stress 
I spread my wings 
And fly there high 
In the Doldrums
Where air is dry 
Where life is cool without you 
And not tougher with you 
There, I'll be reborn 
And learn not to make any one torn 
Though her face seems to be worn 
I'll love her forever and never allow 
Myself to be gone 
I'll bear with her 
In both bad and good moments 
Till we rise our own flag of love 
On this precious state 
And make it more stiff than 
Romeo and Juliette 
I'll build hope on her 
For our love to shine brighter 
Than stars and moon 
I am a scientist 
Conserving the law of matter 
I can crunch moles 
When given poem's mass 
How many particles make one poem? 
Or shall I conduct an experiment 
To investigate what causes ideas 
To escape into the atmosphere? 
Jot down the first line that stings you 
Or wait for a variable to be controlled 
It is not magic that produces people poets 
Vision is a catalyst 
That speeds up the photosynthesis 
Of cluttered words through photolysis 
Into palpable piece. 
Ambition is a library whose art 
Paints meaning of success 
Using serrated words 
Sploshing and spluttering in a river of books 
Like virgin papers rustling in hands. 
Mission is a set goal 
That's compiled of the tickings of watch 
Never leave a poem to be finished later 
Or else you will cringe from it 
As your face crinkling in disgust. 
Poetic solution sizzling in laboratory 
Applying chemistry 
Can manufacture poetry 
Under stoichiometry 
I've been running, running and running away from the thorns of life 
Since I was three 
Hoping that these thorns will dry and fall 
But the more I grow, the more they become fleshy 
They are piercing into my skin and eating up my remaining blood cells 
Leaving me like trees in Sahara desert 
I'm a building with no foundation
That can melt down like waxy in fire 
I'm a tree with no roots but only structures held onto the the sand 
Which can be easily eroded by zephyr and showers 
I'm the infertile soil from which nothing grows 
I'm the smoke swirling separately 
But I can't be caught 
Shall this life lose her thorns? 
For it wasn't my wish to drink this cup of bitterness 
I also needed care from my roots 
Feeding me from my childhood 
Was I born to live in orphanhood? 
Where education is the pearl 
It costed me legs and hands for my breath couldn't endure me in deep waters 
Where clothes are like golds to find 
Sleeping on the ground without even covering blankets 
Has become my routine 
Why chopping our stems down with your western pangaknives 
Spreading yourselves as many as weeds in our fields 
We're tired of these bloodsheds floating as runoff flowing on the valleys
What kind of greedy are you? 
Exploiting our lands 
And leaving us orphans and our mothers widowers 
Life has got thorns 
That hurt our hearts 
Making our souls mourn 
With every tide of the lake Tanganyika 
Under "you write what you live"
This is the voice of the African children 
27 December 2022
Who shall remain 
When the darkness is rising?
Day and night struggling 
Healing uncured diseases and pandemics 
Shall we bring salvation through our unspoken words via mics? 
The darkness is rising 
Our hopes are fading 
But can you imagine 
How our minds are still working 
Like heavenly bodies 
Waiting for the new born to bring light 
We believe in him 
As children spending a day without being fed 
And yet they don't lose hope 
Expecting their father will only bring something to eat 
Welcome Jesus in our lives 
For he shall move freely in our souls 
Let him reign the eternal kingdom 
For he will bring happiness where sorrow is established 
Let him walk into out paths 
For there will no more differences 
Between right and left 
This is Emanuel 
God with us
The day which no more darkness shall rise 
But only descend between oceanic crust and continental plate 
Merry Christmas 
Prepared Angela Kosta