Mavlonova Dilafruz, Boylata

Mavlonova Dilafruz, Boylata
Mavlonova Dilafruz, Boylata

Annotatsiya: Ushbu maqolada muvaffaqiyatning sirlari va unga erishishning turli xil usullarida harakat va mehnatning o’rni haqida ma’lumotlar berilgan.
Muvaffaqiyat bu natijadir. Istalgan yo’nalishda natija ko’rsatish uchun siz harakat qilishingiz kerak. Kalit so’zlar: Muvaffaqiyat, harakat, mehnat, ikkilanish, qo’rquv, tarbiya, sabr, mustahkam iroda, motivatsiya, yutuq.
Abstract: This article provides information about the secrets of success and the role of effort and work in various ways of achieving it. Success is the result. To show results in the desired direction, you need to make an effort.
 Key words: Success, action, work, hesitation, fear, education, patience, strong will, motivation, achievement.
Аннотация: В этой статье представлена информация о секретах успеха и роли усилий и работы в различных способах его достижения. Успех это результат. Чтобы показать результаты в нужном направлении, нужно приложить усилия.
 Ключевые слова: Успех, действие, труд, колебание, страх, воспитание, терпение, сильная воля, мотивация, достижение

Introduction: Someone comes into this world to make a difference. During someone's life will change the world. Someone changes every day.
Our daily efforts, our goal is to live happily is watching. Happiness is a phenomenon that occurs due to work. Of people said that money is not the key to happiness. But if you have money, here you are you can make this key to happiness. Actually owning property does not mean happiness. Happiness is enjoying the feeling of creativity.
Success is what you feel. I hope you are looking for happiness you will not be happy. If you only look for meaning in life, live you can't
At first glance, being successful and winning in life is a simple phenomenon it seems. Just hit the "win button" in your mind you press on and bravely move forward. Of course, it's always a winner peaceful However, winning is not the essence of the goal. of purpose the essence is the desire awakened in us to be a winner, back is the spirit of not backing down.
Discussion and results: Success? – Yes, we hear this often.
Most of us want success, but most of us don't we want it fast. And when we fall, we quickly become depressed.
But a person doesn't suddenly climb to the top of the mountain, right?! On the way there will be falls, wrong paths and struggles, because success is great  it was not without difficulties and mistakes.
The majority successful people unhappiness, feelings of failure they know better than others. These people make them hard that the life they face is a jeweler, and they are a precious stone they understand and embrace the hardships to improve.
That is, if you consider yourself a diamond when life hits you, then you are a jeweler like a giving stone, your value will increase. There is wisdom in everything sight also protects a person from depression and increases his confidence. There are many people who have been gifted with such tests by life. An example for, the words "American", "Chinese", "Hong Kong" before the name Jackie Chan had an enviable childhood it's not. His parents left the country because of the civil war in China.
He will go to Australia. Jacky went to a special boarding school at the age of 6 submitted. It was this bitter separation that changed his fate.
Because he studies martial arts and acrobatics at this school. Activity Jackie Chan's mentor, who started out as a stuntman in Bruce Lee's films After his death, he appeared in several films. But it is from imitation of the world after stopping and being able to combine martial arts and comedy 
became one of the best and most expensive actors.
Look at the coincidence, the great mathematician, modern physics theory the founder, the incomparable genius of the 20th century, the winner of the Nobel Prize, Einstein lived in exile. The German government is at the disposal of the Nazi Party later even a large sum of money was bet on Eintschein's head. Physicist many manuscripts were burned in Hitler's bonfires. German
the fact that he is a Jew changes his fate, the scientist came to the USA in 1933 will move. But these instabilities of fate are his great scientist could not prevent it from growing.
Steve Jobs, who is known as the "father of digital technology", is real his parents abandoned him. He was adopted by other parents even when he grows up, even though his adoptive parents want him in the college he wants even if they couldn't find money for education, Steve Jobs is the world's most founded an expensive and powerful company. There are many such examples
can be brought.
Birth itself is a victory! As long as everyone who comes into this life is his own on Earth as long as he has the task, that means to be successful for everyone, i.e there is also a chance to win. Failed the luck of a person is that his mistakes are reflected in front of him like a mirror,
He will be staring at him, but all these mistakes are successes unable to make. Because not everyone has the sense to draw conclusions.
Patience is the first thing a person needs to achieve success and then, of course, hard work,effort, and motivation are a big help gives.
Several famous by famous writers about success works are also written. As an example, I can say that of Frank Bettjer Secrets of Success, Robin Sharma's 200 Ways to Success secret", James Clear's book Atomic Habits is amazing about success the facts and ways to achieve it are shown. You from these books you will get both motivation, knowledge and energy.
From Robin Sharma's book "200 Secrets of Success" to me top recommendations liked:
 1. Sleep less;
 2. Personal development time;
 3. Recording thoughts;
 4. Communication with yourself;
 5. Smile;
 6. Strengthen your will;
 7. Communication with useful people;
 8. Self-confidence;
 9. Keep a diary;
 10. Use an audio book;
 11. Fast every two weeks;
 12. Try to be a little mysterious;
Conclusion: In conclusion, success is not wealth. This is ours that we live healthily in life, the health of our parents, brothers and sisters, luckily this is a big success for us. A requirement for us to succeed the greatest things to do are patience, strength, strong will, knowledge, is education.
 2. © 2011-2024
 4. The book "200 Secrets of Success".

Mavlonova Dilafruz, Boylata village, Ishtikhan district, Samarkand region, graduate of school 59, 1st year student of Uzbekistan State University of World Languages.
(The article was published without intervention!)