Krzysztof T. Dąbrowski, Poland

Krzysztof T. Dąbrowski, Poland
Note about the author:
Krzysztof T. Dąbrowski, Poland
Books in USA: "Escape" (2019 - Royal Hawaiian Press), "Anomaly" (2020 - Royal Hawaiian Press), "A Monsters Pretending to be Human" (2024 - Alien Buddha Press), "Destiny Always Finds a Way" (2024 - Alien Buddha Press), "The Wonderful Life of Paul Veermer" (2024 - Alien Buddha Press), "The Element of Unpredictability" (2024 - Alien Buddha Press) & "Don't Be in Such a Hurry to Die" (2024 - Alien Buddha Press)
Books in Spain: "La fuga" (2019 - Royal Hawaiian Press / 2024 - Just Fiction!), "Anomalia" (2019 - Royal Hawaiian Press / 2024 - Just Fiction!)
Books in Chile: In Spanish translation "The Wonderful Life of Paul Veermer" (2024 or 2025 - in preparation - Zuramerica Ediciones & Publicaciones S.A.)
Books in Germany: "Die Anomalie" (2020 - Der Romankiosk)
Books in Canada: "The Prisoner Of Infinity" (2022 - Ukiyoto Publishing), "And On Earth without Changes" (2022 - Ukiyoto Publishing), "The Worries Of A Not So Dead Man" (2022 - Ukiyoto Publishing)
Books in India: "Escape" (2024 - forthcoming - Wolf Books)
Books in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: "La Vie Merveilleuse de Paul Veermer" (2024 - forthcoming - Editions Lumumba)
Books in Poland: "Naśmierciny" (2008 - Armoryka publishing house), "Anima vilis" (2010 - Initium publishing house), "Grobbing" (2012 - Novae Res publishing house), "Naśmierciny i inne opowiadania" (2012 & 2017 - Agharta & Armoryka publishing house), "Z życia Dr Abble" (2013 - Agharta publishing house), "Anomalia" (2016 - Forma publishing house), "Ucieczka" (2017 - Dom Horroru publishing house / 2024 - Videograf SA), "Nie w inność" (2019 - Waspos publishing house),  "Nieznośna niewyraźność bytu" (2022 - Saga Egmont / 2024 - forthcoming as II part of book "Horyzont zdarzeń" - Bibliotekarium), "Obyś żył w ciekawych czasach" (2023 - Św. Wojciecha) & "Horyzont zdarzeń" (2024 - forthcoming - Bibliotekarium)
Audiobooks in Poland: "Naśmierciny" (2008 - Armoryka), "Nie w inność" (2019 - Waspos / Saga Egmont), "Naśmierciny i inne opowiadania" (2022 - Saga Egmont) "Grobbing" (2022 - Empik Go), "Anima vilis" (2022 - Empik Go) & "Ucieczka" (2022 - Empik Go)
Anthology in: USA, England, Australia, Poland, Canada, Portugal, France, Tunisia, Russia, Brasil, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Germany, India, Romania & Bangladesh.
And he published his stories in the following magazines: Slovakia PLAYBOY (Slovak edition), USA, England, Canada, India, Czech Republic, Russia, Brasil, Spain,  Argentina, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Sweden, Mexico, Albania, Nigeria, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Costa Rica, Peru, Vietnam, Turkey, Ukraine, Romania, Slovenia, South Korea, Austria, Central African Republic, Egypt, Columbia, Philippines, Nicaragua, Lithuania, Ireland, Indonesia, Denmark, Serbia, Chile, Democratic Republic of the Congo & Pakistan.
The tomcat tittered restlessly on the stool, as if he had seen a ghost or acquired pinworms.
- What's wrong with you? - worried the dog.
- Well, I can't get over it - grumbled the cat.
- What? Why don't I kill it? I'll save you.
- No, nothing of the sort - sighed. - I just can't understand why the guy said to our lady that she is
a sweet kitty. I am the cat...
The dog put his paw on the stool, sympathetically.
- No, dog, you can't jump in here - protested the cat, misreading his buddy's intentions. - How
would I show you my superiority then?
The cat’s day's schedule was ambitious; sleep from eight to sixteen, then an hour to fill the
tummy. After the meal, three hours for digestion, and sleep time from 8 pm to 7 am.
Next, breakfast until 8 am and the food-sleep cycle would repeat itself.
None of this, though, because these people don't grasp cats shouldn't be woken up before 4 pm!
Never mind, they do my catering - he thought and meowed.
The tomcat crawled over and lay on the side of the sleeping dog.
Well, the pillow snores, but it's comfortable and with heating - he wagged his head.
Frank was already drunk, but not enough not to notice the aliens visited him again.
Their flying saucer hovered tunelessly above him.
The farmer raised his flask. He drank the rest of the vodka and tossed the empty bottle, then
- Even though I walk down a dark street, I will not fear Josh!
He felt strangely light and noticed that he slowly floated above the road.
- Well, aliens, you are darlings - he grinned. - You have made me a fly guy!
After a while, he was overcome by fear, floating several meters above the ground.
- Er, gentlemen, I fear heights!
Ann Droid met with a friend at Xway.
- Screwburger, please - ordered her friend.
- Anything to pour? - the order-taking vending machine croaked out.
- Diesel, a thick one.
- You're crazy - said Ann.
- We've been bolstering our standards, and I need fuel. Anything for you?
- Diet. I got an oil slick, and the screws accumulate in the hard-to-reach crevices.
- Oh dear... And how about men? - asked the colleague.
- Only those with meat casing and protein brains. If only an outstanding programmer came
along, alas...
- I sympathize. They sweeten me up about my super algorithms. And I feel like giving them a
hard reset.
The Third World War started. Death decided she was fed up.
Her scythe tired her, and given the amount of work, she decided that a lawnmower would be
more useful. Yet, the Earth Affairs Ministry declined her funding.
Under these circumstances, Death, called the Grim Reaper erroneously because she was a
woman, although it was not apparent, decided to end her cooperation with the Creator.
When she returned home, she looked at herself in the mirror.
Um, I'm not getting old – she thought. – Maybe I should become a model? I could be on the album cover of some metal band.
Krzysztof T. Dąbrowski.
From Poland.
Translated by: Julia Mraczny
The article was published without intervention by the editorial office!