Khusanova Nargiza Farkhod, Biography

Khusanova Nargiza Farkhod, Biography
Khusanova, daughter of Nargiza Farkhod, was born on November 30, 2003 in Khatirchi district of Navoi region. She graduated from general secondary school No. 78 in Khatirchi district, Navoi region. Currently, she is a student of the 3rd stage of the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute. Student of the Year -23 OTM winner. She is the author of a monograph on the topic of determining the constant current power bridge in 2024. Currently, she is working as a coordinator of the "Mushoira Club" at the institute. Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute student coordinator of the primary organization Youth Union. Girls' Voice Bukhara city sports and health department coordinator. Institute's Young Politician Girls Club coordinator. OzliDep Bukhara city youth wing active group member
Graduate of the training course on the topic "Development of the scientific and innovative potential of young scientists and training of promising personnel in the new Uzbekistan"
In 2008, archaeologists announced that the city is already 2,200 years old. One of the first information about the city was recorded in the chronicles written in the II century BC. In ancient Chinese sources, Tashkent was called Shi, which means stone, in the Middle Ages it was called Shosh or Choch.
Scientists came to the conclusion that the Turkic tribes who later moved to this area used the same name because the word "stone" means the same thing in Turkic languages. Due to its convenient location, the city was considered one of the main destinations on the Great Silk Road
Today, Tashkent is a modern metropolis, perfectly combining medieval buildings and modern business centers in its architecture. 
 The city has all the conditions for a pleasant vacation. Ancient history and modern lifestyle come together here. Two airports, one international and one local, and 2 railway stations operate in Tashkent. 
One of the modern attractions of the city is the subway. It was opened in 1977 and is the first metro in Central Asia. Each station has a unique design and unique architecture.