Kalipada Ghosh, M.A (English), M.A.(Bengali), M.Phil (1st Class), B.Ed. (Retd. Headmaster), a bi-lingual poet, International Critic, essayist, translator, humanist, orator and educationist has authored 12 Books of Poems in English and Bengali including a literary Criticism. The main theme of his Poetry is based on Nature, Man, love, world peace, anti-war, humanity and social issues. His poetry is metaphysical, philosophical, romantic as well as realistic. He is the advocate of human rights, humanity and Woman Empowerment. He is also a surrealist poet. He is a member of the Asiatic society, Kolkata (India).
He has written poems in national and international Anthologies of repute.. He is awarded with many national and international awards like Order Of Shakespeare Medal, Kairat Duissenov Medal for Poetic Excellence from Motivational Strips, World Icon of Literature, Guardian Of World Literature Award Noble Peace Personality Award, Certificate of Honor awarded by Motivational Strips with Gujrat Sahitya Academy on the occasion of 75 th Independence of India. Anniversary, Michael Madhusudan Award, Bibhutibhusan Memorial Award, Muse-2020 Award, Heritage Head Of The Haven International and many International Awards.
He has been awarded the the Certificate of the World Directory of Literature, History, Art & Culture for his recognised merits in the literary and Cultural fields and many other international Platforms and Poetry Group. He has been awarded Distincion International Medalla Patrimonio De La Humanidad by La Institucion Cultural Casa Poetics Magia y Plumas A, and awarded with Certificate of Honor by Revista Poetica y Artes for poetic excellence. He is associated Poetry and Literature World Vision Group. His poetry is translated into Hindi, Arabic, Russian Swedish, Bosnian, Croatian Italian Spanish, Albanian, French, Kyrgyzse, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish, Taiwanese and many other international languages. His poems have been globally recognized and published in the esteemed national and international anthologies and literary magazines and journals like Bharath Vision, Azahar Revista Poetia, Sipay International Literary Journal Seychelles, Buzz Magazine, Prodigy Published Magazine, USA, Raven Cage, Germany, Atunis Galaxy Magazine, Belgium, Polish free Magazine, Greece, Orfeu al. magazine, Kosovo, Alessandria Today Italy, Kavya Kishor Magazine, Bangladesh, and many others, Silk Road Anthology, Cairo, Egypt and many others in home and abroad. His poetry is being recited in many international TV Channels for programs, recitations and through many live videos and interviews.
He delivers speeches on Poetry and literature in home and abroad. He has participated and delivered lectures on poetry and literature in many international Poetry festivals. Kalipada Ghosh is a contemporary cosmic, Spiritual and metaphysical poet and a poet of Man and Humanity and social issues. His literary Criticism has been acclaimed and admired across the globe and he delivers lectures on poetry, literature and education.
He has been awarded with the Frederico Garcia Lorka certificate of Honor from Institutio Cultural Colombiano Casa Poetica y Plumas and International Star Poetic Honor from Letras del Corazon. He has been awarded the Certificate of Honor as an Honorary Founding member of World Day C. P. Cavafy, April 29 and Certificate of Honor by the CCI Utopia Poetica Universal.
He has been conferred on Doctor of Literature (Honoris Causa), Belgrade.
He has been selected as the Contemporary featured poet by the Poetry and Literature World Vision. He is associated with International Academy of Ethics he is a member of CIESART International Chambers of Writers and Artists (Spain).
God has created Man and Woman
Woman is the wonderful creation of God.
A man without woman
And a woman without man is incomplete but complementary.
Mother, Sister, Wife, daughter are all women
Woman is born for love beauty, charm Compassion and mercy.
She is the embodiment of love , beauty and compassion.
She has hopes and desires,
mind, heart and soul
emotions and passions.
In the society, women are not given due respect and honor
They are repressed and often harrassed.
They are as divine entity from the heaven and rains in the scorching May Sun.
Women empowerment and law should be enacted in respect of social equality, justice, power and position.
Sexual harrasment of women is a daily occurrence
They are sometimes burnt down with inflammable materials
This is a heinous act and a great shame to the modern civilization.
This heinous act should be redressed with rigorous punishment.
In Indian mythology, the goddesses like Kali, Durga and Manasa are the powerful goddesses.
A social consciousness and awakening should be roused.
Social equality, position, power, representation, security and education should be more emphasized and law should be enacted for their proper security and safety.
They are not the puppets of Time.
Eh! What a sensational warmth of woman, Poetry and Spiring!
What a mesmerizing touching effects in their inner being!
What a cosmic beauty they hold!
A bridge between the earth and heaven.
Ah! the Spring is come
With his verdant greenery
and fragrance sweet love
A cosmic beauty and grandeur
A vast canvas, a spectacular beauty in Nature
An exhilarating warmth of love
With amorous fragrance.
Man and woman with sensitive warmth of heart and soul.
So sensitive and touching.
A soul to soul communication.
Self and soul dedicated.
The sea and the sea beach
The tree and the flowers
The river and the bank
Children and their smiles.
All all are divine and spiritual.
Spring and poetry
A delicate and cosmic touch
Poetry unveils and unfolds truth of life
Poetry expresses the emotional exuberance of human heart
Without any borders.
Woman, Poetry and Spring
bridge the human relationship with the cosmic touch of Eternity.
My heart is open to all without borders
People of all countries
Irrespective of caste, creed and colors.
without any discrimination.
Humanism is my religion
Love, peace and integrity are my mission and vision.
I think of the little children
The flowers of Nature
They are simple, innocent and delicate
They should be imparted moral and value education with the formal education.
They are the future citizens of the nation.
Love for the humanity should be cultivated from the Childhood.
Love, peace, unity, fraternity, equality, patriotism and solidarity to be imbibed in the minds and and hearts of the youngsters.
The world will be a better place for human habitation.
"Hug peace and love and hate war" will be our mission and vision.
We must respond to the humanity's Call.
Peace and love 'll reign the world.
Peace and love are the fragrance of the world.
Prepared : Angela Kosta