Ibrahimova Durdona Shavkatjon's

Ibrahimova Durdona Shavkatjon's
Ibrahimova Durdona Shavkatjon's daughter was born in 2004 in Toshloq district of Fergana region. 2nd stage student of UzMU.
Abstract: In this article, the role of women in society and to them  
Opportunities are being created, measures aimed at providing women with quality education and their rights are discussed. 
Key words: woman, education, society, marriage.
What is the role of women in our increasingly developing society? The idea that a woman should not work, stay at home and only take care of children has spread throughout society. Do you think women should really stay at home? I don't think so. Every woman should study, acquire secular and religious knowledge, and be able to express her independent opinion. Because women raise the young generation that will be the foundation of our country in the future. You can say that the father also raises the child, but the child's mother gives the most education and upbringing. According to statistics, women are better than men. as long as they work more, even if they do not work in an organization. Women walk an average of 12,000 steps a day, while men walk 9,000 steps. It can be seen that women spend more energy. 
Honoring, glorifying, honoring women, easing their burden is a sacred tradition left by our ancestors. "It is known that one of the largest surahs of the Holy Qur'an is called "Nisa", that is, "Women". In this surah, Allah Almighty calls people to treat women fairly, and these divine words contain deep wisdom," said the head of our country, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, in his speech at the ceremony dedicated to International Women's Day. If we think about it, we cannot do anything without women, it is possible for a woman to prepare a dish and feed her family members. a man cannot do this.
Everyone knows that in most developed countries, the place and role of women in public administration is incomparable. In particular, in the Kingdom of Great Britain, the head of state has been led by the queen for many years. However, there are many countries where the place of women in society is being trampled by injustice. In India, there is no objection from the state to women's education, work in government organizations, they even support women who want to study. But the position of women in society remains low. This can be seen from the books of Indian authors. Day by day, the entry of women into the political arena is increasing day by day. As an example, we can take Tanzilla Norboyeva, the chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis.
In our country, the share of selflessly working women is 77% in medicine, 74% in education, and 46% in economy and industry. If in 2017, the share of women in management is 27 percent  
reached 33%, in political parties from 40% to 47%, in entrepreneurship from 21% to 37%.  
About 2,000 of our knowledgeable, proactive and active women are serving in leadership positions in state and public organizations. In particular, 33 percent of the deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, members of the Senate and local councils  
25 percent of its deputies are women.
The role of women in society is very important and multifaceted. They actively participate in social, economic, political and cultural spheres. 
1. Social role: Women are the main members of the family and play an important role in the education of the next generation and the transmission of culture. They help develop social ties in communities.
2. Economic activity: Women make up an important part of the labor force. They work successfully in various fields - business, science, education and health care. 3. Politics and decision-making: Women are also actively involved in politics. Their participation helps ensure gender equality in decision-making processes.4. Cultural heritage: Women contribute to the development of culture, art and literature. Their creativity shapes many modern trends.
5. Research and innovation: Women scientists are coming up with new ideas in science, which will contribute to the development of society.
In general, the position of women in society will be further strengthened by expanding their opportunities and rights. Gender equality and the protection of women's rights are beneficial not only for women, but for society as a whole.
Gender equality, more precisely, equality between men and women, is a concept that implies the achievement of equal rights between men and women in the family and other legal relationships. According to some researchers, gender equality is the next stage of socio-sexual relations after the patriarchal system. The principle of gender equality is to study and eliminate all social barriers that prevent a person from emerging as a person, as well as to create equal social opportunities for realizing the personality of men and women in all spheres of life. Uzbekistan began participating in the list of gender equality indicators from 2019. As of 2019, Uzbekistan ranked 62nd out of 189 countries in the gender equality index.
On September 2, 2019, Uzbekistan adopted Law No. 562 of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Guarantees of Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men".
The good thing is that since thousands of years, the issue of inequality between men and women in society and the issue of solving it has always been relevant. 
To sum up, a woman is like a flower, the more she is cared for, the more blessings she will spread. In fact, it is a woman who makes our home flourish and keeps us healthy. The role of women in society is not only related to their personal life, but is necessary for the development of the whole society. A woman mother, a woman sister, a woman sister will be developed as the society respects them. The success of every woman is the success of the whole society.
 See: Mominmirza, son of Kholmominov Zakir, daughter of Malikakhan Khahramon, Ashiraliyeva. The role of women leaders in society. Journal of Oriental Art and Culture. Kokan 2022. https://scholar.google.com 
The son of Kholmominov Zakir is Mominmirza, the daughter of Mardona Hamidjon is Olimjonova. The role of women leaders in the development of society. Journal of Oriental Art and Culture. Kokan 2022. https://scholar.google.com
From the speech of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev at the ceremony dedicated to the International Women's Day.//"Word of the people" March 8, 2020
1. The role of women in society (genderi.org)
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