Hasan Nashid - Biography and poems (Prepared A. Kosta)

Hasan Nashid (Md. Hasan Ali) was born in 1991, August 15, in the Sherpur district of Bangladesh. Among his 14 books, such as ‘Bhalobasar Proticchabi’, ‘You Can Rich’, ‘The Giantess’, 'The Green School’, ‘My Father is My Story’ ‘The Mustard Flower’ etc. The books are stories, essays and poems. Recently, his writing 'Communal' was published in the textbook 'Business & Love' of the English Language Education Study Program, Faculty of Language and Literature, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia, and in a research paper from PNGB, Dibrugarh University, India; University of Malta, Malta, and Jadavpur University, India. He also has several collections of essays and new and selected poems. His awards for poetry include the ‘Golden Eagle Award 2023 from Mil Mentes Pro Mexico International, Mexico’ 'Anushilan Award for Poetry, 2016', 'Shishu-Kishor Phulkali, 2008', 'Jhal Award for Poetry, 2016', and a language recognition from Chittagong University and University of Dhaka, Bangladesh for his discovery of animal language patterns, 2023. There are also 20 Plus Research Presentation Awards from different countries. He travels extensively, both nationally and internationally, for poetry collections and research. He is serving as Research Director of the Sustainable Disadvantaged Development Found2023ation (SDDF). He is working to establish a university for the citizens of his area. Besides doing PhD research, he has also been working as editor of 'Masik Bhor' magazine since 2016, SDDF JOURNAL and Sub Editor The Pen Magazine By Dr. Eva Lianou Petropoulou, Greece since 2023. He is a multi award-winning author. The author writes fiction and nonfiction of crime, thriller, mystery, fantasy, historical, western and romance. In his spare time, he writes short stories, poetry, articles, essays, children books, diaries, journals, and inspiring books with drawing and sketching.
There is no smell of silt in this country.
No taste of flying the flag of victory
Red-green sad life
Freedom has broken the dam!
Victory is now only deception.
Deceived with freedom
Dictator memory campaign
Martyrs were stupid!
Where are the wise people?
On the way, protect the country.
Even if victory comes, why am I not independent?
Dictators will be the end!
Want to pull your own hair?
How many things have gone wrong in this life?
It was also a mistake to forget that it was a mistake!
Laugh or cry when I'm all wrong,
It's a mistake to forget life!
How many people in a bad situation have no roots?
A big mistake is when you forget!
Mistakes in every move Mistakes in every word,
Get angry whenever you use it by mistake!
Those who commit various mistakes in anger,
If it is not as wrong as murder, it is wrong to catch it!
A mistake is a mistake, like a mistake; life is a mistake!
Wants to make mistakes in words,
Forgiving him would be a grave mistake.
Everyone will make mistakes, big and small.
So what mistake will be a deliberate mistake?
There may be mistakes - parents' mistakes.
There may be mistakes in the killing
One can go wrong with the neighbourhood people.
Childhood playmates can make mistakes.
Students make mistakes in their studies.
Workers in all jobs make mistakes in all their actions.
The driver of the carriage
Aviation pilots do not want to make mistakes!
If the mistake is made in the room alone,
If it is wrong to talk to everyone,.
Foolish and madly wrong as they are,
Leaders and activists are mistaken about the state.
A good man is made a fool.
Even cheaters make mistakes when they cheat.
When the time of theft is wrong,
The price of that mistake is eaten in mass!
It is wrong to exaggerate religion.
Communal riots are now the eyesore of the nation!
If everyone makes this mistake throughout life,
In the world, mistakes will be the root of humanity!