Ganijonova Dilnavoz - Poem

Ganijonova Dilnavoz - Poem

It's true that I don't have enough verses for you,
I lived in the castle of Nazm for so many years.
You know, every line of my poem,
Actually, it started as "mother".

You are an unwritten ghazal, mother.
I scribbled on paper and erased it.
Searching for your definition in words
There is a lot that I want to write and that I haven't written.

You are a flower that opened in Kahraton,
Mom, you're not broken in the test.
My frozen heart, my frozen heart,
Look, you are the melted sun, mother.

You are the rain that washed away the dust in the heart,
You are beauty, you are happiness, mother.
Even when the winds try their patience,
You are a re-blooming tree, mother.

Don't believe it!
Don't believe me, this is what is beating in my chest
No heart, you are my heart, mother.
It's true, I never told you:
You need me, I need you, mother!

Maybe I'm perfect in your bosom,
Your daughter is nothing like you, mother...
If I forget you,
Leave your selfish child like me, mother...

Ganijonova Dilnavoz
She was born on April 24, 2005 in Kurgantepa district of Andijan region. In 2016-2021, he graduated from Khanabad City School of Music and Art No. 8, and in the 2022-2023 academic year, he graduated from Kurgantepa District General Secondary School No. 34. In 2022, his first book "The First Page" was published. His poems were published in international magazines and newspapers. He is a prize winner of several Science Olympiads. In the 2023-2024 academic year, he was recommended to be a student on the basis of Grand. Currently, he is a 2nd-level student of the Andijan State Pedagogical Institute.