Danijela Ćuk (Prepared Angela Kosta)

Danijela Ćuk (Prepared Angela Kosta)
Danijela Ćuk, was born on May 25, 1989 in Vukovar with residence in Čavli (Croatia). She engaged in writing poetry and prose. Her published two independent collections of poetry entitled: "Positive to life" and "The power of love" and a third is being prepared, entitled: "Zene lavice". She participated in over 20 joint collections of poetry, and in addition to writing, I also volunteer.
 Pick a small flower petal,
 seduce yourself with her scent,
 let every day be a tiny flower of life
 it grows in your soul, inside you.
When it's hard for you, when your heart hurts,
may that flower always smell good in you,
life is hard but it is the most beautiful gift from heaven
and therefore let it blossom and breathe freely. 
 Never let it disappear, that it is not there
 and to wither helplessly,
 because then your strength also dies
 and she can move so much beauty.
Take care of your flower of life,
as the greatest treasure in the world,
as it really is,
and therefore enjoy your beautiful flower.
May your heart be as strong as possible,
let the flower of your life smell of love every day 
keep it and maintain its beauty every day,
shower him with love to stay alive. ..
 Don't hide your beauty behind crystal tears,
 don't let life's jellyfish burn your heart,
 dance the sea of ​​your smile now
 because the sea is beautiful even when it rains...
 You are a diamond of inestimable value,
 so shine with that irresistible glow and never spare it,
 you have what not everyone has,
 beauty in the splendor of life from which much can be learned.
 You are a special person, do you know that?
 Do you see yourself when you look into the mirror of your heart,
 do you feel the cheerfulness of your soul,
 when you sink into her special colors...
 Your steps in life were not always easy,
 they moved along the stream roads but did not stop,
 your eyes were tired many times,
 but they did not forget to live. 
Therefore, embrace each new day with the glow of your love,
because her scents exist in you,
simply be the one who loves life, yourself and people,
and take the opportunities in life that are offered to you.
 Diamond...that's you,
 your shine does not know how to go out!
Prepared Angela Kosta