Rubric-Young Creators, Poems, prose, stories, journalism etc.

Rubric-Young Creators, Poems, prose, stories, journalism etc.
Poems, prose, stories, journalism etc. 

Abdulakhatova Feruzakhan. 
I was born on July 28, 2008 in Kuva district of Fergana region. Currently, I am a 10th grade student of the creative school named after Erkin Vahidov
"If I'm not in your sky,
Tell me if the months are full? "
smile without me
Do you laugh with joy?
If it's not me, it's your life
Is there a burning place?
Bowing your head from longing,
Are your eyelashes closed?
A drop from your eyes,
Doesn't it flow like a river?
Your unfulfilled dreams
Doesn't it make your heart burn?
The soft breeze that blows in the morning,
Are you dreaming?
Those who envy us,
Won't you separate me from you?
If I'm not in your life,
Don't happiness fade away?
Moaned on your porch,
Don't birds fly?
My heart is full of longing,
Mom, I miss you every moment.
Those sweet breads and creams,
I still can't forget it.
Our home full of love,
My fingerprints are on the wall.
You always say caressingly:
"Get used to it, my little girl!"
I need you today mom
All I want is to hug you.
Draw pictures on white paper,
Flying to the city of our dreams.
My heart in love with your love,
Your hands are on my face.
Sometimes I hurt
It's all my fault.
I miss you today mom
I only want one thing: a full hug!

Ruzmetova Zuhra Vyacheslavovna November 30,2006 I was born in Uzbekistan Urgench city Khorezm region. I appeared on the international California website "Synchronized chaos" and I am coordinator of this site . My poems have been recognized in more 10 countries. I am the winner 100 national and international organizations.I am the holder of badge "For the international Services" by the wing poets writers association. I have many future dream goals.
My mother is kind
Be by my side every moment
My days cannot pass without you
My dear mother. 
You are dear to me
There is no one like you in the world
Not found at all
My dear mother. 
My motherland is my soul and world
My mother earth is wide
The place where I was born and raised
You are my country, my dear. 
My country is peaceful and innocent
The sun always shines
Spreading rays to the world
They are kind to the heart. 
The flowers are colorful
It pleases the eyes
May there always be peace
Long live mother earth.

Orinbayeva Dildara was born on March 10, 2008 in Tortkol district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.  9th grade student of school No. 24 of Tortkol district.  She reads with excellent grades and is the captain of the Youth Union of the Republic of Uzbekistan. She has organized many events.  She is a talented writer whose poems have been published.  The poem "Loyalty" was published in the "Korparcha Collection".  The article "INTERESTING INFORMATION ABOUT BIOLOGY." was published in the International Anthology of Blue Sky Stars. The poem "Rain" was published and indexed on Google sites.  The poem "Ozligim Anglab" was published in "Future Scholars Creative Collection" and "Book, Certificate, Diploma."  She became the owner.  Holder of international certificates.
Open a page from my new notebook,
I write only my beautiful days.
I fell and cried, understand!
I am happy with my laughter today.
Even if I can't go back to my past,
To everyone in my life,
Thank you for the mentorship.
But my heart is filled with sand as a child.
I'm sixteen years old, restless like spring,
The year has passed in the blink of an eye.
My eyebrow is black with tumors.
This heart is overflowing with dreams.
The swallow's voice is soft.
I hunt for stars at night above the moon.
I'm in love with a daisy, I'm in love with a flower.
When I see him, I play like a butterfly.
I do not give up hope for a bright future.
As if I could not command my heart,
I will continue to bloom until this summer.
It seems that other seasons have dried up.
Let's stay in the spring.
Crying like rain and laughing like the sun
All I did was pride.
I overcome all trials with laughter.


Gulshoda Abdusattorova, a boarding school student at the state specialization school in Aktash town, Torakorgan district, Namangan region
Today, life without the Internet is unimaginable. It's been more than 17 years since the Internet entered Uzbekistan, which brings us daily news and various news about the world and requires only our attention. Compared to last year's data, today the number of Internet users has reached 3 billion. According to the information of the Communications and Informatization Agency of Uzbekistan, the number of Internet users in our country has increased to 8 million. The Internet is a technology of the 21st century. The 21st century can also be called the "computer age". Just like there are two sides to a coin, the internet has its pros and cons. However, we should not forget that it is in the hands of people, that is, us, to reveal one or another side of the coin. So why do we now have to judge the internet as negative? After all, for whatever purpose a person uses it, he gets an answer accordingly
The child tries to draw attention to himself in this way. The love that he could not find from his parents, he is definitely looking for the little soul - "iron box". Therefore, it is necessary to use this "iron box" froma positive side rather than a negative one, to create an immunity against negativity rather than criticizing it. Because the stronger the immunity, the less damage is observed. The internet is kinder to kids than their parents these days. Thinking about thinking about love is also becoming more and more connected to the Internet. Of course, harming the young generation is also in our hands. Therefore, children should be given love and knowledge by their parents and teachers, rather than by the Internet.
   Let's think about the positive aspects of the Internet. First, it is possible to join various free courses and distance learning through the Internet. Secondly, you can order whatever you want from home. One of the most important things is to keep up with the latest news. In general, if used correctly, the Internet serves to shape, rather than destroy, the minds of young people. In conclusion, we cannot deny the negative aspects of the Internet. It can take effect at any moment. But if the "web of the whole world" is used for good, the negativity in it will be eliminated by itself. After all, "The world is evil to those who seek evil, and the world is wisdom to those who seek wisdom."


Elmurodova Muattar was born on April 25, 2004 in Samarkand region and graduated from school 134 (currently school 34) in Chirakchi district of Kashkadarya region with excellent grades and entered Karshi State University in 2022 on the basis of a grant. Currently engaged in creativity, creative works have been published in several international anthologies and magazines. In addition, he is a member of several international organizations and awarded with certificates. Member of the People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan
A piece of white paper was dropped from the sky. They carefully took it and poured it inside a page of a holy book, as it was suitable for a dark day. Years passed, the pages of the book were copied with great care, protected from stains, tears and dust.
But one day the book was left on the street, there was a strong storm, and its pages flew everywhere, including the white paper among the scavengers. A strong wind split it in two, like two pieces of the moon. A page has found a place for itself, a book to protect, to guarantee its safety and to live. The second page was passed from hand to hand by people because of their impatience, idleness and playfulness, light-hearted attitude to life, as a result, different hands replaced the whiteness with black paints, drew unnecessary things, and even tore them. too. The last owner threw it into the fire for its worthlessness, and after that there was no name left of it in the world. The first page fell into the hands of a skilled creator thanks to his patience, satisfaction and thoughtfulness. Beautiful and meaningful sentences were written for him, and he made a great contribution to the creation of clean pages like himself, found his place in the world, left a name and is still preserved.



The universe is beautiful, majestic, a boundless expanse. It holds within it knowledge, philosophy, contemplation, music, and melody. It needs to be felt. For this, a heart is needed - one that can feel and perceive it with its whole being. This heart, this precious jewel, this unique diamond that embodies the essence of humanity, can only be gifted by a mother.

Only mothers understand how precious and valuable a child is, even in the earliest stages of development in the womb. It's impossible to describe the immense joy they feel when we first begin to form. Nine months - it seems like a blink of an eye, a mere fraction of time, even when it feels like an eternity. But for mothers? They navigate this journey, this duration, facing countless challenges. There are countless discomforts, fatigue, sleepless nights… The end of this journey remains a mystery to us. Women, aware of the tiny heartbeat within them, feeling the joy of motherhood, begin to transform themselves from that very moment. They give up things they love for their child. They even stop doing things they enjoy. Sometimes they sacrifice their comfort for us. They endure these hardships with a smile on their faces for nine months. The time has come for their child to enter the world. Of course, those who haven't experienced this firsthand can't truly understand. They say that mothers stand between two worlds during this time. They sacrifice their own lives to give us life. They endure a thousand pains during this one day and then, holding their child for the first time, they forget all the hardship. These are the things they do for us, even before we are held in their arms, even before we are seen. We have entered the world, and now…

Our first teacher - our mothers - are the ones who allow us to see the light of this world. Our mothers, who give up their dreams, their sleep, their figures, their beloved work, do everything they can for us to grow. They teach us our first words, our first steps, how to eat. They help us to learn about the world, to see the brilliance of colors, to understand existence. Mothers are our doctors. When we are babies, we cannot speak, but our mothers know what troubles us. "I ate this, and my baby didn't like it," they say, and they stop eating the things they loved.Let's look at our lives now.

We've grown up. Let's take a look at our mothers. Years have taken their toll, their youth, their beauty, their once-black hair. What have we done for them, our mothers who gave us their entire lives? What have we given them in return? Let's look at ourselves. When was the last time we bought them something they loved? When did we last say something sweet to them? When can we remember sitting down and having a heart-to-heart conversation with them? No, no, we don't remember if we've done these things or not. Mothers know the ups and downs of life better than we do. They understand their children in every situation, but we torment them with, "You don't understand me," "You've never understood me." As if we ourselves were born and grew up. We give our affection to strangers on the street, we speak kindly to people we don't know, we help them. But all of this is just to make ourselves look good. They say you only realize the value of something when it's gone. Do we have to lose our mothers to understand their worth? There are so many children around us who long to see their mothers just once. There are countless people who yearn to hold their mothers in their arms. But our blind eyes haven't opened yet. We yell at them, we say hurtful things. We scream, "I'm angry with you!" But have we ever heard our mothers say "I'm angry with you," or even speak harshly to us? No, never. They are not selfish like us. We have become self-absorbed, ungrateful children. What have we done when our mothers were just starting to enjoy our company, when they were expecting just a little affection from us? We've gone so far as to abandon them in nursing homes. Why? Could we not spare a small corner of our home for them, a bit of bread? Is this our response for all the good they've done for us? Even in this situation, our loving mothers never cease to pray for us, their hearts don't tire. We achieve some success, some position, and we say, "I did it, I achieved it." We only see our own actions. We forget our mothers, who toiled tirelessly for us, who prayed ceaselessly, to bring us to this point. It's as if we've forgotten they have sacrificed everything for us, as if we ourselves had grown up on our own.

A mother's heart is like a diamond, ready to serve for a lifetime anyone who has shown them a small kindness. Even a small gift from their child makes them beam with pride, a childlike joy. Only a mother can love her child unconditionally, asking for nothing in return. Even our religion emphasizes great respect and care for mothers. There is a hadith that says, "The companions asked the Prophet, peace be upon him, "To whom should we give kindness first?" In response, the Prophet, peace be upon him, said three times, "To your mother, then to your father, and then to your other relatives." We can never repay our mothers for what they have done for us. We can never erase our debt to them. Here's another hadith: "A man carried his mother on his shoulders and circled the Kaaba 70 times. He went to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and asked, "Have I repaid my debt to my mother?" The Prophet, peace be upon him, replied, "This that you have done is not even equal to one pain she endured in childbirth."

In conclusion, a mother is like a diamond in this world. She is precious, brilliant, valuable, and embodies all that is beautiful. She never expects anything in return for what she gives, she never demands thanks for what she does, she only desires the best for us. Let us never forget that our mothers have sacrificed their lives, their beauty, their health, their once-black hair, and their countless efforts to bring us to where we are today! 

Nargiza Farxodovna Xusanova was born on November 30, 2003, in Khatirchi district, Navoi region. She graduated from school ‘78 in Khatirchi district, Navoi region. Currently, she is a third-year student at Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute. She is a winner of the "Student of the Year" competition, receiving 23rd place at the national level. In 2024, she authored a monograph titled "Determining the Constant Current Bridge".  

Currently, she is active in the following roles:
* Coordinator of the "Mushoira Club" at the Institute
* Coordinator of female students for the Youth Union Primary Organization at Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute
* Coordinator for the "Girls' Voice" program in the sports and health direction in Bukhara city
* Coordinator of the "Young Female Politicians Club" at the Institute
* Active member of the Youth Wing of the "O'zliDep" organization in Bukhara city

The Jadids, a beacon bright,
With hearts aflame, a vision bold,
To uplift their land, to fight
The darkness, stories yet untold.

They saw the need for education,
A path to progress, liberation,
From ignorance, a new creation,
For minds to bloom, a transformation.

They built their schools, with open doors,
Where knowledge flowed, like rivers wide,
To teach their youth, the ancient lore,
And modern skills, side by side.

They championed the mother tongue,
A voice for all, a bridge to build,
To break the chains of foreign rung,
With pride and spirit, to be instilled.

They sought reform, a brighter way,
To empower minds, to pave the way,
For Uzbekistan, to rise and sway,
In the sunlit path, of a new day.

The Jadids' legacy, a guiding light,
For generations, shining bright,
A testament to their valiant fight,
For knowledge, progress, and their might.


Jo'rayeva Marjona was born on October 18, 2003, in the Surxondaryo region, Termiz district. She is a second-year student at the Faculty of Philology at Termiz State Pedagogical Institute, specializing in Uzbek language and literature education.
It is a virtue that elevates and distinguishes the status of a person. Before embarking on any endeavor, one must possess sufficient knowledge about it. There is no doubt about the greatness of knowledge. It is one of the qualities unique to humans among other creatures. Acquiring knowledge is the beginning of achieving excellence, correctness, and guidance for humanity.
Allah has perfected the means of acquiring knowledge, learning, and understanding. Simply accumulating knowledge without applying it is not a commendable practice.
To acquire any knowledge, one must first possess strong desire and determination. Setting the goal to gain expertise in a field or topic and diligently pursuing knowledge about it is essential. Along this path, having a competent and compassionate teacher is certainly necessary.
In this world, we can accumulate material possessions, but no one can take knowledge away from us. A person who seeks knowledge must habitually pursue learning and allocate time for it every day. If we make a habit of seeking knowledge, we must also be attentive to those around us. We should consider whether they are helping us or hindering us in our pursuit, and we should ensure that nothing that causes discomfort remains with us.
From a person who has embarked on the path of knowledge, strength, effort, and patience are required. We need great strength to be strong in all situations, whether in difficult or pleasant days, to seek new discoveries and explore opportunities.
It is possible for us to admire the achievements and wisdom of those who have attained knowledge. However, if we do not act, do not aim to achieve this level ourselves, no one can help us in this matter. They may motivate us, but no one can motivate us as much as we can motivate ourselves.
Imam Zarnuji in his book "The Secrets of Acquiring Knowledge" states:
“Do not move on to another book without completing one to the end. Similarly, do not desire to move on to another field without mastering one, unless it is necessary or beneficial to move to another city. In fact, this is the wisdom of acquiring knowledge. Because knowledge is distracting and leads to other things. It engages the heart in vain matters and wastes time. The most harmful thing is that it distresses the teacher and causes him to lose interest. It extinguishes his love and causes him to be negligent”.
We must respect those who have knowledge and those who have acquired knowledge. Regardless of how knowledgeable we may be, we must first strive to be respectful, disciplined individuals. If we are disciplined and orderly, our pursuit of knowledge and achieving good results will be easier. The more respect we show to our teachers, the more they give us all the knowledge we need and rejoice in our every success. In our society, the saying "The teacher is like a father" has not been without reason.
“A student who desires to be worthy of the teacher's love and attention should first adhere to the following guidelines:
- Do not come in front of the teacher;
- Do not sit in the teacher's place;
- Do not speak without permission in their presence;
- If there is something you do not understand, do not ask too many questions during class time;
- Adhere to the rules of asking questions outside of class time;
- Be on time for class;
- Do not disturb the teacher;
- Do not disturb the teacher's peace, but patiently wait for their coming or going”.
A person who acquires knowledge broadens their horizons in life. They assume their rightful place in family, society, and the world. Knowledgeable individuals bring tranquility, love, and respect among other noble virtues to their families.
This is because through extensive learning, they encounter various events and experiences, analyze processes from books, and engage in discussions with those around them. Typically, ignorance leads to gossip, wrongdoing, and carelessness. Ignorance is indeed one of the worst disadvantages a person can face. Therefore, it is better to strive towards learning than remain completely unlearned.
Abdibek Sheroziy expressed the following about knowledge:
“If a person does not illuminate their path with the light of knowledge, they remain in the darkness and gloom. The light of knowledge and understanding strengthens the heart of a person. The value of humanity is determined by knowledge.
No one has ever suffered harm from knowledge. Acquiring knowledge is an art. Whatever evil has occurred in the world, all of them have come through ignorance. The worst calamity is ignorance, which destroys humanity. A woman who has received a good education and shines with the light of knowledge finds respect everywhere. Knowledge is an adornment for a woman.
She understands the value of intellect, respect, and femininity. Such a woman does not shy away from any task. An ignorant woman, however, makes various mistakes in raising children”.
In conclusion, knowledge brings success to a person. It sharpens their perception and thinking. A knowledgeable person is always respected and admired. Our parents have created all the conditions for us to acquire knowledge. Educational institutions have been established in our country for our learning. Numerous teachers are ready to help us become knowledgeable. All that is required of us is desire and effort. May all seekers of knowledge increase their understanding and elevate their status!


Bahriddin Mirzo Shahobiddinov.
The poet Bahriddin Mirzo Shahobiddinov, was born on December 9, 2005 in the village of Madaniyat, Pakhtaabad district, Andijan region, and graduated from the 29th general secondary school in this district. The book was published under the name "Armonni yig'latib qo'ying". The creative byBahriddin works are regularly published in the prestigious newspapers and magazines of our Republic, and in addition, the creative work is also published in anthologies published in cooperation with many foreign publishers. Bahriddin is active participant. The creative works are regularly published in the Kenyan newspaper "The MT KENYA TIMES".
“If I tell you about my goals in the future, I will not stop creating and become a poet in the eyes of our people. I will continue these achievements, which took place in the collection of young artists of the republic”
We persuade happiness.
shouldering our shoulders,
White birds landing,
Is it bad if we go together..!?
Let's try.
Good luck,
let us be together
Shall we go together!?
Arrogance until you don't do it is a dream.
Share and enjoy,
Don't be separated,
Shall we go together!?
Sail on a ship.
make plans
Agree, Komila,
Shall we go together!?
Before it's too late.
from floods,
Flee from the darkness,
Shall we go together!?

Samarkand was born in the region of Republic of Uzbekistan. Is 18 year.
1st course in Uzbekistan State Institute of Arts and Culture.
I love the rain, its gentle touch
A soothing balm, I love so much
It washes away my worries and pain
And fills my soul with peace again
The pitter-patter on the window pane
A symphony of nature's refrain
The earth drinks in its sweet embrace
And all the world seems in its place
The air is cool, the scent is clean
A tranquil beauty, rarely seen
I love to dance in the falling drops
And feel the rhythm, my heart never stops
The rain brings life to every living thing
A gift from above, like a melody to sing
I love the rain, its calming sound
It brings me joy, wherever it's found


Ismailov Sanjar was born in 1986 in Gallaorol district of Jizzakh region.
Head of press service in Gallaorol district administration.
This pilgrimage site, which took place in the history of the Jizzakh oasis, is located in the village of Avliya, Gallaorol district, and is divided into two parts. The upper part of the shrine - the area along the lake, with its healing and holy springs, different beautiful and charming corners, its own charming nature, and unique landscapes will delight anyone's tongue. The lower part of Kadamjoni is notable for its old mosque and mosque.
The building of the mosque was built in the 19th century by master builders from Jizzakh - master Kamil, master Qabil, master Zuhur and master Mirziyo. It attracts the attention of any pilgrim due to its oriental style. The carpentry work in the building was done very skillfully. The colorful patterns on its ceiling testify to the fact that Mirzo Zaid and master Bobojan, who were once known as skilled painters, were really masters of their profession. Patterns, which are the product of great work and high skill, have not lost their charm even to our days.
Sa'd Ibn Waqqas was the son of one of the nobles of Makkah, and when the revelation of prophethood came to our prophet Muhammad, he was a young man, he converted to Islam and showed the qualities of a leader.
In the sixteenth year of the Hijra, he was appointed as the leader of the army sent by Caliph Umar ibn Khattab to Iran and Movaroonnahr. blood is shed instead. Sarkarda's son-in-law is buried in the cemetery on the north side of the village (there is a small room here), and a room was also built near the lake where the blood of the Blessed One fell.
The incident did not affect the health of Sa'd ibn Abu Waqqas (may Allah be pleased with him) much, he later returned to Arabia and lived a long life. During the Enlightenment period, he lived as a davandist. But in the years before his death, he asks them to bring him a woolen turban. When he brought his chakman, he said: "Shroud me with this, because I fought with this chakman against the polytheists in the Battle of Badr." I want to go to the presence of Mr. Haq in this bag..." (from the books "Munjid" and "Life of the Companions").
The holy spring here is also called "Sa'd ibn Waqqas spring". At present, these places have acquired a beautiful and charming landscape. Thanks to the constant care and attention of the Jizzakh regional administration, as well as thanks to the donations and efforts of generous people who have a generous heart and respect for historical values, the buildings of the shrine were built. it was settled, put in order, and the place of pilgrimage was extremely improved.
You can also see "holy fish" in the lake - blackfish included in the "Red Book" of Uzbekistan.
The territory of the shrine is 14.2 hectares.


The village where I was born is located near the Sultan Uwais-Qarani shrine. It takes 15-20 minutes by car. The gate of the shrine is easily visible from the roof of our house. We often go to the shrine with our family! 
Now I will give more detailed information about the shrine. 
The complex of Sultan Uvais-bobo (XVII-XIX centuries) is one of the most sacred places in the lower reaches of Amudarya. He is associated with the name of Uwais al-Qarani. It is narrated that he was the Prophet s.a.w. was considered one of the followers of and lived in the village of Qarayn in Yemen. The reason why he is called Sultan is that he was the Sultan of saints. Sultan Uwais Qarani in 37 Hijri (657 AD) Hazrat Ali r.a. will be buried in this place according to his recommendations. 

Sultan Uwais Qarani our Prophet s.a.v. even though they did not see him personally, their love for him was boundless. He is Rasulullah s.a.w. was one of the pious people who strictly adhered to the Sunnah of Our grandfather Sultan Uwais Rasulullah s.a.v. when he heard that his teeth were broken, he breaks his own teeth. It was from the strength of love and respect.
According to the order of Sultan Muhammad Khorezmshah, a large mausoleum was built at the place where Sultan Uwais was buried. But due to Genghis Khan's invasion of Khorezm in 1221, this mausoleum was destroyed. The mausoleum built by Khorezmshah remained in a half-ruined state even after the reign of Genghis Khan. In 1800, the engineer Velichko, who was in the shrine of Grandfather Sultan Uwais and mapped it, remembers the existence of the mausoleum mosque.
After independence, improvement works were carried out in the shrine. Both have been newly renovated. If you happen to be in Uzbekistan, definitely visit this shrine!