Abeera Mirza

Abeera Mirza
There are some closed doors, 
They will stay close and help in opening more. 
If some doors stay close, 
Don't worry it means a new one is chosen. 
New beginnings are about to open,
Just don't stop hoping. 
Bad days will end,
Good days will begin. 
If some doors are getting shut,
They strengthen our gut to wait. 
Each door leads to a new path,
Each path has its own math. 
Life is the part of heavy road,
But it will assist how to take load.
©Abeera Mirza. 
Writer's Biography 
Meet Abeera Mirza, a poetic force from a village Goleki in the heart of Gujrat, Pakistan, whose words have captivated audiences worldwide. With an impressive 200 anthologies to her name, she has cemented her place in the literary world. As a co-author in Pakistan's largest anthology, "Maverick," and a recipient of numerous literary awards, Abeera's poetry is a testament to her skill and passion. Her verses dance with emotion, painting vivid pictures that resonate deeply with readers. Whether exploring love, longing, or nature's beauty, Abeera's unique perspective and masterful craft have the power to heal and inspire. Her poetry is a gift, and her talent is a treasure to behold.