Pravin Singh Raghuvanshi (Prepared Angela Kosta)

Pravin Singh Raghuvanshi (Prepared Angela Kosta)
In midst of crowd of Some royal paths
Some golden lanes,
Few roads of luxurious opulence
Many avenues of extravagance,
Numerous gleaming 'Elevated Highways'
of the unprecedented development…
There remains a solitary narrow dusty track
As a sentinel of the aspirations
of soil Keeping the ceaseless vigil…
Keeping alive the potential of grass to grow,
again and again I've always listened
to my heart Each time,
at every crossroad I chose the dusty trail...
O' laughers of my lonely journey!
O' choosers of the luxurious paths!
One day, you'll have to return
to me Like bird flying high returning back
to the mother earth, to perch in its nest...
No matter, how high you fly,
No matter, how much you progress
No matter, how so much ever
 you indulge in limitless luxuries,
Decomposition of your perishable physical body
in the soil is inevitable,
And, the grass abode being your
final shelter Is the ultimate truth!
Prepared Angela Kosta