Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana - Prepared Angela Kosta

Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana - Prepared Angela Kosta
Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana
The evening shadows stretch long
My heart aspires to sing a song;
Childhood days reel before eyes,
Lyrical memories implant a surprise,
Childhood is something; I can’t forget,
It’s everything, be it morning or sunset.
Though sunk in the worldly despair
Life struggles with unending desires,
Though the age keeps on advancing,
Childhood memories keep on racing,
The narrow paths with enticing grace,
Vanish into the past without a trace.
School mates, friendly and unfriendly
Hunted by fleeting age are traced hardly,
Streams of various thoughts sneak out,
Stalked by unknown fear they roll out,
Drowned midst childhood memories
I seek solace, but heart inwardly cries.
Poetry motivates every heart
Poetry pleases thoughtful hearts
Poetry inspires every heart
Poetry soothes painful hearts
Yes! It’s every poet’s thought.
Poetry is something that inspires
That’s devoid of worldly desires;
Poetry is something that’s fair,
Meant to transform and allure,
Allure hearts, caught in despair.
Painting the poetic thoughts
Poet’s paint peaceful thoughts;
The verses with humane thoughts,
Weaved with astute thoughts,
Certainly, lift sagging human spirit.
Yes, words can always heal
Any heart they can lovingly steal,
Every verse can avert upheavals,
Can also steadily implant a feel,
Yes! Objective of both is to heal.
Painting the enticing musings
On the pages of poetic stirrings,
They are but worth everything,
And unfold with a pleasant string
On the glorious paths; “long-lasting”.
Without love, tolerance cannot exist at all
Without tolerance, peace cannot exist at all
Without peace, prosperity cannot exist at all
Without prosperity, happiness cannot exist at all
Without happiness, peaceful life cannot exist at all
They only exist, if we promote harmony, overall.
Through love blossoms peace and prosperity,
Through prosperity blossoms a high dignity,
These together pave a way for prosperity,
These together boost the status of individuality,
These are the strong spheres to fortify our unity,
They stay eternal with our committed activity.
Blessed will be we, if we uphold peace with unity,
They bestow us welfare, with stability and integrity,
It’s the driving force that lifts our spirit and morale,
To relish the fruits of peace from a situation fragile;
Shouldering the responsibility of protecting peace,
Let us promote peace that confers a lasting bliss.
Dr. Ashok Chakravarthy Tholana is a writer, poet and reviewer, hailing from Hyderabad City, Telangana State, INDIA. Over 5000 of his poems have been published in various literary magazines, newspapers, journals, e-zines, anthologies etc. across a hundred countries. The poet has been conferred with several prestigious national and international awards that include eleven doctorates, apart, lots of laurels, testimonies & commendations for his quest to promote Universal Peace, World Brotherhood, Environment Consciousness, Protection of Nature, Safeguarding Children’s Rights etc. The poet has also received applause from Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, former-President, India, Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee, former-Prime Minister, India, Bill Clinton, USA, Queen Elizabeth of Britain, Princess of Wales, President and Prime Minister of France, Prime Minister of Switzerland, Senator Viktor Busa, The Lord President, Italy, United Nationals Organization, UNESCO, UNICEF etc.
Few notable titles conferred upon Dr. Ashok include, RABINDRANATH TAGORE LITERARY HONOR, GANDHIAN WORLD HARMONY CREATOR, NAJI NAAMAN LITERARY PRIZE, YASSER ARAFAT PEACE AWARD, SWAMY VIVEKANANDA INTERNATIONAL PEACE AWARD and so on.  As of now, his poems have been translated into 41 (forty-one) languages.
ELEVEN Poetry Books have been Published so far, viz. (1) CHARISMATA OF POESIE (2) THE CHARIOT OF MUSINGS (3) SERENE THOUGHTS (4) TWINKLES (5) REFLECTIONS (6) ALTITUDES (7) OUTLET (8) HORIZON (9) KALEIDOSCOPE (10) VIBRANT MUSINGS (11) YOUR POETICALLY.  That apart, he translated 12 spiritual books from local Telugu to English language.
QUEST FOR PROMOTING UNIVERSAL PEACE : For the past two decades, Dr. Ashok has been making all out efforts through poetry for promoting Global Peace, non-violence and was also a part of the prestigious Anti-Nuclear Manifesto of Global Gandhian Harmony Association, Russia.
As a Co-author, his contribution is acknowledged @: Global Peace Science of Spherons:
International Day of Nonviolence- October 2 -


Prepared Angela Kosta