Rubric - Young Creators

Rubric - Young Creators

Aymatova Aziza was born on February 24, 2009 in Almalyk, Tashkent region. She is a 9th grader. Until now, he has written dozens of poems. Hobbies include reading and drawing. Currently studying English and Turkish. Having studied languages in the Ibrat Academy application, he received English and Russian language course certificates. Participated in many online tests and contests.
Silver winter
Winter has come. Everywhere is covered with white snow. Animals in the forest are staying in their warm houses. But the fox was left without a nest among them." Why did that happen?" if you say, the fox has been eating his friends' food all summer and ordering them to do things. He lied to them a lot. One day, he saw little rabbits playing in the meadow, got hungry and ate them. When the hares looked for their children and could not find them anywhere, they came to the fox and said:
"Hey, fox, we couldn't find our - children since morning. We came thinking that you may have eaten them." said the rabbits.
-"Hey fluffy bunnies, don't doubt me." I did not eat your children. "Maybe the wolf ate your children," said the fox.
The rabbits went to the wolf. And the wolf said, "I saw your children walking in the meadow. But I did not eat them. It is better for you to go to Olapar. He will tell you who did this from the tracks and smells in the meadow." Rabbits went to Olapar. They told what happened.
The deer and rabbits went to the meadow. Olapar found out who did this and said to the rabbits:
- This was done by a cunning fox. He must be kicked out of this forest. If I don't, we won't be able to get out of trouble," he said. 
They all deliberated and agreed on this decision. Because of this, the cunning fox was left without a nest.

She was born on March 22, 2004 in Uchkurgan district of Namangan region. Currently, he is a 4th-year student of the Faculty of English Philology of Namangan State University, majoring in "Foreign Language and Literature". His poems were published in periodicals. In 2024, the "Followers of Alisher Navoi and Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur" dedicated to the memory of Alisher Navoi and Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur by the volunteers of the Academy and "Golden Wing" won the proud 1st place in the "Painting" category of the Republican competition. took over.
A person is the most conscious, intelligent and, at the same time, beautiful creature among all the creatures in this light world. All things in nature are provided by God only for man. Humans are also given the opportunity to speak. Therefore, when speaking, it is necessary to speak according to the norms of the language. We should always remember that we should think carefully first and then speak. Man came to this world to study, to learn, to know what kind of people his ancestors were, to realize how great a nation he is. A self-aware person can correctly understand the Motherland, his duty to all mankind, and his human duty. Our country is peaceful, our sky is clear. Independence gave us this peace.
   On August 31, 1991, our heavenly country, Uzbekistan, gained independence. The centuries-old dream of our ancestors came true. After Uzbekistan stepped on the threshold of independence, many changes took place. In particular, attention was paid to schools and they were put out of repair. New educational equipment, laboratory rooms, sports halls were completed. In a word, the construction of modern educational buildings has begun. This, of course, is one of the important factors in our young people getting more knowledge. In our peaceful and free land, we go to school every day early in the morning. If there is no peace, can we walk like this?
Changes and advancements will certainly take place when peace and tranquility prevail in the country. If the country is not peaceful, a person will never be able to reach high peaks. Because the peace of the country is the basis of our national idea. Peace is not easy to come by. Our ancestors sacrificed their lives for our modern life. For example: Jalaluddin Manguberdi, Najmuddin Kubro, Temur Malik, Tomaris, Shiroq, Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur, patriots fought tirelessly for the country and minority. The brave deeds of such people will serve as an example for our mature generation. 
    When God created the human race, he created it in different forms, not only in appearance, but also in character. From time immemorial, there has been a struggle between a good person and a bad person, between goodness and evil. It is well known that in the end, of course, goodness will win. There are people among us who cannot see peace and happiness among people. They work under different guises. First of all, such people aim to have a negative impact on people's spirituality. They want humanity to face the plight of a state. But they don't know that as long as the human heart is alive, evil can never win. 
    Islam Karimov, the first President of our country, in his work "Highway Spirituality - Invincible Power" recognized: "The most important thing is to fight with ideas against ideas, ideas against ideas, and enlightenment against ignorance." We are well aware that there is a world of meaning behind such instructive words. The greatest courage is spiritual courage. Therefore, fighting against ignorance is a bravery in itself. We should always strive to be like brave people, that is, like our ancestors today. Because we are children of independent Uzbekistan.
Today, regardless of the field, our compatriots are achieving many achievements in these fields. For example: let's take sports, our athletes occupy high places and introduce Uzbekistan to the whole world. They show that an Uzbek is an Uzbek. Honorable President of our country Shavkat Mirziyoyev is also creating many necessary conditions for young people. It is enough to use them correctly and wisely. We should always do good things for our country and its development.

10th grade student of Abdulla Qadiri creative school. 1st place winner of the Republic 2023 "Successors of Navoi" competition. The poetry book "Sounds of my heart" has been published. Currently, he is the chief coordinator of the "Girls' Voice" club in the Uchtepa district of Tashkent.
You go far away
My heart suddenly stirs. 
My eyes fall on your tracks,
Happiness turns to unhappiness. 
My life has passed through the traces of the path of happiness,
The friend felt the feeling of the blue.
Didn't trip, didn't fall...I'm sorry,
Here I am, to the sorrow of joy. 
Silence also falls on the earth and sky,
You question the smiling moon.
"Show me, let me see your beauty"...
Close your eyes and look away from me.
You dream, your dream is a lamp for you,
I look like a dream in your eyes.
Between us tears flow,
Don't be persuaded, don't be persuaded by your words. 
Tell me from the bottom of your heart, I will listen
Waters drink from your fountain of love. 
I will wait on your paths, near and far,
I am close to you, from your far-away ways.
My heart sinks into silence,
A flower in your hand, like taking away my senses.
Don't answer, even if it doesn't come, it will be hard.
From my dreams where music is playing.
From my dreams where music is playing...

I was the daughter of Kholiyorova Ezoza Khurshid, born on September 29, 2004 in Kasbi district of Kashkadarya region. I am a 2nd year student of physics department of Karshi State University. My current address is: 25 Nurabad Street, Denov Village, Kasbi District, Kashkadarya Region.
My father: Khurshid Kholiyorovich Nekboyev was born in 1983. Currently, he works as a teacher at the Karshi Institute of Engineering and Economics. 
Mother: Jorayeva Lobar Primovna was born in 1983. He works as a teacher in school 19, Kasbi district, Kashkadarya region. My brother: Kholyirov Matyakub was born in 2003. Currently, he has completed the 4th year of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Karshi State University.
Methods of developing students' research activities based on digital educational materials in physics
Kholiyorova Ezoza
2nd year student of physics department of Karshi State University, Faculty of Physics
In the article, the effectiveness of using digital educational materials in physics education and the selection of digital educational materials in accordance with the topics in the example of atomic physics and the formation of students' skills in applying theoretical information to practice by improving the educational and research skills of students. It is stated that the use of modern information technologies in the educational process plays a key role in the correct formation of perceptions of the microcosm. It is stated that digital educational materials generate knowledge about the process by applying problematic, partially exploratory (heuristic), research methods to processes studied in physics, including atomic physics.
    Keywords: Digital educational materials, animation, virtual laboratory, information technology, theory, design, research, experience. 
 Enter. As we know, the physical discoveries made in each period caused changes in the technical devices of that period. The 20th century is considered to be the age of technology, and by this time, as a result of the effective use of technology in the human society in meeting its needs and in the way of life, human beings can no longer imagine their life without technology. In particular, as a result of the widespread use of technologies in the field of education, an increase in educational efficiency was observed. By using computer equipment, students had the opportunity to observe physical models of physical processes in the macro and micro world. In particular, atomic physics is a department that studies the processes related to the microcosm, and studies the processes that occur based on the structure of substances and their atomic composition, using modern digital computer technologies and recording devices, including atomic force microscopes and tunneling microscopes, to determine the location of atoms. by changing their position, they were able to obtain a new structure of the atomic system. The use of modern digital technology in the field of education creates the opportunity to develop the knowledge level of students and their research activities.
Analysis of literature on the topic. Atomic physics, like other departments of physics, the knowledge obtained as a result of the initial theoretical knowledge should be tested in practice on the basis of educational research, and students will have the skills to independently apply the knowledge obtained on this basis. The role of physical theory in the design and organization of the educational process is also reflected in the researches of A. A. Mashinyan. "Scientific physical theory acts as an information carrier in the design and organization of the educational process," he writes [1, p. 237]. Emphasizing the difference between academic knowledge and scientific knowledge, the author suggests transferring scientific physical theory to the educational model of physical theory (FNO'M) in the school physics course. In the process of creating an educational model of each of the scientific physical theories (mechanics, thermodynamics, molecular physics, classical electrodynamics and atomic physics), "their mastery according to such parameters as the theoretical generalization of the knowledge to be studied, the scientificity of the presentation of facts, and the nature of the skills to be formed levels" differentiation takes place [1, 239-240].  
There are different classifications of teaching methods: that is, methods can be classified according to the level of independence, according to information sources, according to the type of educational activity. In our research, we rely on the classification of teaching methods proposed and described by I. Y. Lerner and M. N. Skatkin [2; 313]. According to them, teaching methods are divided into types such as descriptive-descriptive, reproductive, problem-based, partially exploratory (heuristic), and research.
The analysis of scientific-methodical literature shows that on the basis of digital educational materials in physics, students are studied based on the methods of developing research activities, in accordance with the topic, problem-based, partially exploratory (heuristic), research is suitable. It means that the methods should be selected by the teacher based on the level of knowledge and educational and research skills of the students.
Research methodology: Substances are a structure consisting of an association of atoms, and the number of atoms in their composition causes changes in the physical and chemical properties of substances. If students are to organize a lesson on the topic of the sequential structure of atoms and the location of atoms in them, the use of partially exploratory (heuristic) or research methods suitable for the topic will increase the effectiveness of the lesson. Based on the theoretical description of the topic, we apply our knowledge to study and research. Currently, there are programs that allow a student to conduct independent study and research on the Internet, including digital technologies. The teacher poses a problem to the students: "If we change the number of atoms in the substance, how many physical and chemical properties of the substance will change?" During the lesson, students can conduct research using a test tube filled with ordinary water. First, each student shines a light on a test tube filled with water. They observe that light passes completely through ordinary water without scattering. In the second stage, all the students change the composition of the substance by adding table salt, margonsovka and fat to the water in the test tube. When light is shone on the mixed test tube, they observe that the result of the experiment differs from the result of the initial experiment. If it is possible to observe the speed of movement of substance molecules under a microscope, the speed of pure and mixed water molecules is observed. The results of the observations are recorded and then the experiment is analyzed. Analysis forms students' ability to analyze and synthesize. This will help the students to learn that physics is easy to learn based on study and research and to know the fields of application in our daily life.
Conclusions and suggestions. In this article, we discuss the methods of developing students' research activities based on digital teaching materials in physics - problematic, partially exploratory (heuristic), the role of research in the formation of physical knowledge in students, and one of the methods in the teacher's teaching of physics according to the topic. should choose, that is, by choosing a problem-based learning method, the problem is solved in several stages on the basis of digital educational materials. The teacher asked the students "How does an atom absorb energy?" he poses a problem. Based on theoretical knowledge, that is, using Bohr's postulates, students explain that the system of atoms absorbs and radiates energy in the form of fractions (quanta). Obtains the result of the experiment using a virtual model of the Frank-Gers experiment. Repeating the experiment several times by changing the value of the voltage applied to the cathode, they learn that Bohr's postulates are correct, that energy is quantized and radiated by atoms. All learned knowledge, skills and abilities are used in practical situations, as well serves as a basis for students to hypothesize and plan experiments. While designing the levels of students' educational and research activities, the teacher takes into account the level of development of students' research skills and universal learning activities.
One of the effective ways to develop research activities of students on the basis of digital educational materials in physics is to combine the overall, group and individual forms of organizing the educational process. In this case, the teacher relies on mutual cooperation of students at some stages of research tasks, and only when necessary, he intervenes in this cooperation and makes appropriate corrections. The basis of the methodical system of forming the professional competence of the science teacher in physics education is a systematic approach, which allows to determine the level of competence and the content of the components of the methodical system.
Used literature.
1. Mashinyan, A. A. Teoretiko-metodicheskie osnovy formirovaniya u budushchego uchitelya physik umeniya proektirovat personalnye traektorii obucheniya: dis. ... Dr. ped. Nauk: 13.00.02, 13.00.01 / Mashinyan Alexander Anatolyevich. - M., 2001. 
2. Didaktika secondary school: Nekotorye problemy sovrem. didactic. / Pod ed. M. N. Skatkina. - 2-e izd., perer. i dop.-M.: Prosveshchenie, 1982.
3. Enyushkina, E. A. Tsifrovye tekhnologii v issledovatelskoy deyatelnosti / E. A. Enyushkina // Physics in school. - 2011. - No. 5. - S.4146.
4. Eremin, S. V. Informatsionnye tehnologii kak sredstvo realizatitsii urovnevoy differentiationsii obucheniya fiziki v osnovnoy skole: dis. ... candy. ped. Nauk: 13.00.02 / Eremin Sergey Viktorovich. - Shuya, 2009. - 227 p.
5. Efimova, E. V. Razvitie issledovatelskoy deyatelnosti obuchayushchihsya v sisteme nepreryvnogo obrazovaniya "shkola-vuz": avtoref. dis cand. ped. Nauk: 13.00.01 / Efimova Elena Viktorovna. - Ufa, 2005. - 22 p.
6. Eslyamova, U. B. Kompleksnoe ispolzovanie sredstv novykh informatsionnyx tehnologiiy i traditsionnyx tekhnicheskikh sredstv obucheniya v processe obucheniya fizike: avtoref. sugar cane ped. lesson:

Shodiyeva Sarvinoz Rasul's daughter was born on November 17, 2004 in Kalligobot neighborhood of Karshi city. He lives in "Yangi Hayot" neighborhood of Guzor district. His poems were published in a number of regional newspapers, "Umid Yogdusi" magazine, "Kazakh-Uzbek artists' anthology"and "Yerdagi stars" anthology. In 2019, he took the proud 3rd place in the regional stage of the "young reader" competition. Currently, he is a 3nd-year student of the Uzbek language department at the Faculty of Philology and Language Teaching of Karshi State University
Since there is no life without women, there is no work in literature without the participation of women. After all, "If there was no woman, there would be no literature. Literature was created first of all as a father to a woman, for a woman, to win her heart, to know what is on her mind, to understand the nature of a woman and what she is. As Abdulla Qahhor said, the male of a bird is also The art of words is first of all a man's creation, so the main issue of interest is the problem of literature, and the man is, of course, first of all, therefore, the hero of literature is a woman. In fact, the image of a woman occupies a place in all pencil products. In general, the state of a man's life and a woman's relationship. Let it be located there, it will exist at the core of the relationship of these two people. Literature is a science that studies man and his heart. It can be said that there are many different topics and views in the literature, but if we look at the bottom of the file, everything revolves around women and her. Even the works on the subject of understanding life are primarily focused on the understanding of women. "True, there are dozens of themes in the art of words, such as love for parents, beauty of nature, honesty, love of children, hatred of enemies... each of these has been used by hundreds of peoples for thousands of years." But still, none of them occupy a position as a woman's image. most of the works are dedicated to women, their conflict is formed by women and things related to her. It can even be said that the development of literature is closely related to the artistic study of women, her ability to deepen.
research is also one of the issues.
The existence of the image of a woman in literature goes back to the ancient times of folklore. This is especially evident in religious stories. In the pre-Islamic period, as well as after, special attention is paid to the issue of women. In fact, in the pre-Islamic period, there was an image of women, fairy old women, but in the Islamic society, the most respected person is a married woman, that is, a mother. about. This is also evident in the hadith of the Prophet, "Paradise is under the feet of mothers". It can be seen from this that the issue of women has not fallen into the lower place in any period, it is always the main issue. Because, from the beginning of mankind, man introduces his child to the world close to him and the world around him. Therefore, women stand as characters in many wisdom narratives. The most ancient of them are the images of Mother Umay and Eve. Mother Umay is the mother and creator of the old Turkic peoples. "This cult is a deity that protects mothers and children. In the ancient Turks, it was imagined as a companion of God." In fact, Mahmud Koshghari writes this in his "Devon". Umai is defined as the placenta, that is, that which penetrates the child.
The image of a woman, a mother, is reflected verbally in the above, and occupies an important place in 3/5 written literature that has reached today. Its buds are found in the Orhun-Enasoy inscriptions, which are examples of the first Turkish written literature. "Moyin Chur tells the story of how his father, Kul the wise khagan, brought the army of the Turkish khagan to obedience. In the year of the sheep (745), he tells that Ozmish captured Tigin and his wife was transferred to him, three crows reports that the people joined the western Turkish khanate without obeying Moyin Chur. Bitiktash, for example, is a story presented by Moin Chur personally, as in Tonyuquq's text, which was taken from Tonyuquq's mouth. The fact that he mentions the wife of his enemy while describing the battle shows the place and position of women in the society of that time. In this way, women have been formed as a separate image. It also existed in the literature of the XI-XIII centuries, but it is characterized by the basis of earlier legends and narratives.
By the literature of the 15th-16th centuries, the image of a woman rose to the level of the main character of the work. During this period, the images are perfected and can become important in bringing out the artistic idea of the creator in the work. We see it in Alisher Navoi's works, historical works, and "Khamsa" epics. The first epic of "Khamsa" is "Hayrat
In "ul-abror" page 20, if we come across a female character in many stories, in the next epics, they rise to the level of the main character. In Hamsanavis, which has become a great tradition of Eastern classical literature, the female character is among the main characters.
There is a woman image in each of the genres of folk art. In the fairy tales, the woman character takes the main place. In this, different aspects, characteristics, and characters of women are revealed. In some of them, we see her as a sincere mother with a heart full of love, who gives her life for her child, and in some of them, we see her as a fierce, scheming, evil woman who will stop at nothing for her own benefit. But it is noteworthy that the main characters of fairy tales are also women. In addition, in epics, which are the masterpieces of folklore, the image of a woman and her image are described in a special bubble state. The characters of Barchinoy and Kaldirgochoyim in the classic epic of the Uzbek people - "Alpomish" are such characters. In the epic, the artistic interpretation of the woman image also occupies a central place. In the "Alpomish" epic, the qualities characteristic of women, their role in social and political life are beautifully and passionately depicted through the image of Barchin in delicate artistic colors" . Not only through the image of Barchin, but also through the image of Kaldirgochoyim Women's courage, determination, the need to be faithful to their promises, the issue of honor is clearly expressed In the epic, "Barchin fights against the Alps in the name of loyalty, loyalty, human rights, and proves the spiritual inferiority of the Kalmyk Alps. Barchin's courage and bravery for her will and rights is a reflection of the socio-political position of the alpine girl in the society. For example, each event, each image in the epic "Alpomish" reflects the spiritual perfection of the people, its deep and broad worldview, praises the devoted love of a woman. Not only in this epic, but all these aspects are common in our folk epics, they are the main leitmotiv.
The image of a woman, a mother, is verbally reflected in the above and has reached today, and occupies an important place in written literature. Its buds can be found in the Orhun-Enasoy inscriptions, which are examples of the first Turkish written literature. "Moyin Chur tells the story of how his father, together with the wise khagan Kul, brought the army of the Turkish khagan to obedience. In the year of the sheep (745), Ozmish told the story that he captured Tigin and took his wife. reports that he disobeyed and joined the Western Turkic Khaganate" [2.62]. Bitiktash is narrated by Moyin Chur himself, just as it was written by Tonyuguq in Tonyuguq Bitiktash. While narrating the details of the battle, he mentions the enemy's wife as well, which indicates the place and position of women in the society of that time. In this way, women have been formed as a separate image. In addition, it was also present in the literature of the XI-XIII centuries, but it is characterized by the fact that it is based on previous myths and legends.

Jumanazarov Zohidjon Eldor was born on March 14, 2006 in Narpay District of Samarkand region of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Zohidjon Jumanazarov is a student of the Uzbek State Institute of Arts and Culture. Z. Jumanazarov is the winner of the National Award "Stars of New Uzbekistan". And he is Project Manager of the International Teachers Association, Member of the International Association of Outsourcing Professionals. He is author of 3 books: "Sociology of Management", "Art Management" and "Ethical Leadership".
In the heart of the land, where the rivers flow,
Lies a country, rich with stories to show.
It's a tapestry of cultures, woven with pride,
A place where diversity stands side by side.
From the bustling cities to the tranquil plains,
The country's beauty forever remains.
Mountains reaching high, touching the sky,
And valleys so deep, where rivers run by.
In the north, the snow-capped peaks stand tall,
While in the south, golden beaches enthrall.
The east is adorned with lush greenery,
And in the west, deserts stretch endlessly.
The people here, with their spirit so strong,
Sing songs of freedom, for which they long.
They celebrate traditions, old and new,
And honor the land, in all that they do.
The country's history, a tale of triumph and sorrow,
A journey of resilience, shaping tomorrow.
From ancient civilizations to modern-day grace,
Each chapter adds color to this vibrant place.
The cities pulse with life, a symphony of sound,
Where dreams are pursued, and opportunities abound.
Yet in the countryside, time moves at its own pace,
With fields of gold and open space.
The food is a fusion of flavors so bold,
Reflecting the heritage, centuries old.
Spices that dance on the tongue with delight,
A feast for the senses, morning to night.
The country's soul lies in its people's embrace,
Their warmth and kindness, a comforting grace.
They welcome strangers with open arms,
And share their stories, their joys, and their charms.
As the sun sets on this land so fair,
And stars twinkle in the evening air,
The country whispers tales of old and new,
A testament to its beauty, tried and true.
So here's to the country, with its boundless allure,
A place of wonder, so bright and pure.
May it thrive and prosper, forevermore,
A timeless treasure to adore.

Akhmedova Sevinch Botirjon's daughter was born on November 03, 2004 in Mahsumobod neighborhood of Karshi city. She lives in " Mahsumobod" neighborhood of Karshi city.  Her articles were published in a number of international newspapers, "IJARETM".  Currently, she is a 4th-year student of the Foreign language literature at the Faculty of  Language of Shahrisabz State Institute
As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the ability to communicate in multiple languages has become a vital skill for young leaders and teenagers. However, learning a foreign language can be a daunting task, especially for those who are not naturally inclined towards language acquisition. This is where games, songs, and music come in – innovative and engaging tools that can make language learning a fun and enjoyable experience.
Research has shown that using games, songs, and music in language instruction can have a significant impact on language acquisition. These interactive approaches can increase student motivation, improve language retention, and enhance overall language proficiency. In this article, we will explore the benefits of incorporating games, songs, and music into foreign language teaching and provide practical tips for educators and language learners alike.
Games are an excellent way to make language learning fun and interactive. They can be used to practice vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, as well as to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Language learning games can take many forms, from board games and card games to online games and mobile apps.
Examples of language learning games:
* Charades or Pictionary to practice vocabulary
* Scavenger hunts to practice reading and listening comprehension
* Role-plays to practice conversation and negotiation skills
* Language-based board games, such as Scrabble or Taboo
One of the key benefits of using games in language learning is that they provide a low-stakes environment for students to practice their language skills. This can help to reduce anxiety and increase confidence, allowing students to take risks and try out new language structures and vocabulary. Additionally, games can be adapted to suit different learning styles and levels, making them an inclusive and effective tool for language instruction.
So, how can educators and language learners incorporate games, songs, and music into their language instruction? Here are a few practical tips:
* Use language learning apps and online games to supplement traditional instruction.
* Create a playlist of songs in the target language to use in class or for homework.
* Develop language-based games and activities that incorporate music and movement.
* Encourage students to create their own songs or raps in the target language.
* Use music and games to teach cultural insights and context.
1. Memorization: Songs can help students memorize vocabulary and grammar rules more effectively than traditional teaching methods.
2. Pronunciation: Songs can improve students' pronunciation by providing a model for intonation, rhythm, and stress.
3. Cultural insight: Songs can offer a window into the culture and history of the target language, promoting cultural understanding and appreciation.
4. Emotional connection: Songs can evoke emotions and create a personal connection to the language, making it more memorable and enjoyable.
5. Repetition: Songs often involve repetition, which can help students reinforce language structures and vocabulary.
Examples of language learning songs:
* Children's songs, such as nursery rhymes or folk songs, to practice vocabulary and pronunciation
* Pop songs with lyrics that illustrate grammar rules or vocabulary themes
* Traditional songs from the target culture to promote cultural understanding and appreciation
1. Atmosphere: Music can create a relaxed and engaging atmosphere, reducing anxiety and increasing motivation.
2. Multisensory learning: Music can engage multiple senses, including auditory and visual, to promote language learning.
3. Rhythm and meter: Music can help students develop a sense of rhythm and meter, improving their pronunciation and intonation.
4. Cultural connection: Music can provide a connection to the target culture, promoting cultural understanding and appreciation.
5. Creativity: Music can inspire creativity and self-expression, encouraging students to use language in innovative ways.
By incorporating games, songs, and music into foreign language teaching, educators and language learners can create a fun and engaging learning environment that promotes language acquisition and cultural understanding.

When my heart is filled with pain,
When my unfaithful friends forsake me,
One by one, when the victims reveal their secrets,
My father's prayers help me,
Mother's prayers protect me!
Although I am looking for humanity,
Even if I don't find love,
Even though I'm far away
My father's prayers help me,
Mother's prayers protect me!
If I forget the reward and commit a sin,
If I don't understand the trap and fall,
Supplications to Almighty Allah,
My father's prayers help me,
Mother's prayers protect me!
If the sun leaves the sky of my life,
Endure the suffering of the wicked,
How many stones will be thrown behind to me,
My father's prayers help me,
Mother's prayers protect me!
Ignorant happiness falls suddenly,
I can't help it if I'm careless,
If I wander, I will not find refuge,
My father's prayers help me,
Mother's prayers protect me!
If someone wishes my poor soul,
If they put a chain around my neck from slander,
If they don't feel sorry for me and laugh,
My father's prayers help me,
Mother's prayers protect me!
If it falls on the black soil,
If it stands on the wall, save my life,
Even so, I always proudly say:
"My father's prayers help me,
Mother's prayers protect me! "
I have them, my heart is happy, I have no sorrow,
I have them, I am tall, I am always full of heart,
They are an invincible arrow shot of me,
My father's prayers help me,
Mother's prayers protect me!