Khudoynazarova Iroda Vahabjon

Khudoynazarova  Iroda Vahabjon
Khudoynazarova is the daughter of Iroda Vahabjon
4th year student of Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, Tashkent city.
       Annotation: Life and work of Nazar Eshanqul and achievements in his career.  The uniqueness of Nazar Eshanqul's stories.  Its place in modern Uzbek literature.
       Key words: work, story, corruption, national tragedy
Nazar Eshankul was born on June 15, 1962 in Tersota village, Qamashi district, Kashkadarya region.  Graduated from ToshSU Faculty of Journalism.  In 1996, he was awarded a special prize of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan for the story "The Wind Can't Be Caught".  In modern Uzbek prose, the works of Nazar Eshanqul acquire a special character.
The main part
After the years of independence, the modern prose of Uzbek literature acquired its own character.  Prose works in a new spirit entered our modern Uzbek prose.  The works written in modern Uzbek literature are no longer ordinary writers who observe the lives of others and assess the existing conditions, but have become direct participants in the events described in their works.
"It is difficult to see the time while standing in the present, and it is even more difficult to evaluate any aspect of it.  Therefore, it is a great responsibility to talk about the literature of the independence period and its specific characters."  (Kazokboy Yoldoshev, "Yonik soz").
Modern Uzbek writers interpret problems related to the fate of humanity in their own unique way.  New images began to appear in modern Uzbek prose, and I think that such changes in our literature were motivated by the changes in world literature.  We know that epic stories have existed since ancient times.  Now, after independence, modern epic stories have started to acquire a new character.  Nazar Eshanqul is one of the great poets who entered our modern prose.  The description of the author's works, the development of events, its mystery, encourages the reader to think more.  Nazar Eshanqul's first work "People of War" (1988) was published. After that, one after another, such works as "A Man Led by a Monkey", "The Hand", "The Wind Can't Be Catched", "Kultoy" were published.  done  Nazar Eshanqul's stories differ from those of his contemporaries by their uniqueness.  The author leaves it up to the reader whether his character has positive or negative qualities.  In some cases, the ending of the stories remains abstract.  At the end of the story, the author invites the reader to reflect, and the end of the story is left to the reader.  During their visits to our Nazar Eshanqul University, students asked a number of questions.  The main part of the questions was asked what is the reason why the ending of some stories is abstract, and this person said that the end of the story is left to the reader, and the reader gives a solution by observing.  One such story is the story of "The Hand".  The reader gets impressions while reading the work, and at the same time, a number of questions arise in it.  Personally, when I read this work for the first time, I thought, "Whose hand is this?", "Why does the hand not have an owner?", "Where did the hand come from?"  such questions arose.  This is natural of course.  Because the idea of the work is revealed during reading.  In the story, the problem of the time is presented concisely and clearly. There are still many hands around us, both with and without.  Aren't corruption, greed, and injustice done to ordinary people the result of those invisible hands?  The greedy hands are still eyeing the honest morsels of many people.  If it does not lose its hands from the beginning, it will gradually cover the life of the whole society like the heroes of the story.  And we are just spectators.  Another story written in a modern spirit, "The Man Led by the Monkey", draws a series of national tragedies in the history of our nation.  As noted by the literary critic U.
Normatov: "It appeared in the story "The Man Led by the Monkey", in which the tragic fate of a person who was lost in the century was expressed in a unique way.  .  In the article "Creativity is related to theology", the author writes about the history of the story: "I think that a person is an artist of his life, he paints the way he lives, he paints the days, his life, the seasons of his life."  He says that he had an idea.  The work highlights the tragedy of people who devoted the main part of their lives to the development of society in the image of an old artist.
In addition, the main character of the story "You can't catch the wind" is Bayna Momo.  All events will be embodied in Bayna Momo.  In a word, it is impossible to catch a person's feelings and inner experiences, just like the wind cannot be caught.  The reader is encouraged to observe where Momo Bayna got the courage and strength to do this incredible work.
      In conclusion, in this article we will witness that Nazar Eshanqul has a unique language and a sharp pen.  In the stories of Nazar Eshanqul, nationalism is noticeable along with modernity.  A student who has read his works is faced with various questions.  Encourages to observe the next fate of the heroes.  Nazar Eshanqul's stories have won the hearts of young and old alike.  He brought a new spirit to modern Uzbek literature.  I think that his stories were equally impressive in terms of scale, meaning and content.
Used literature                    
1. Nazar Eshanqul "Hand" story
2. Nazar Eshanqul "You can't catch the wind"
3. Nazar Eshanqul "Man led by a monkey".
The article was published without interference from the editorial office of Orfeo!