Shohsanam Kamalova

Shohsanam Kamalova
  An American spoke at a convention in Paris, France. He delivered his speech with dignity in beautiful words and gentle voice. After he finished his speech, the speaker thought that the whole Zelda would resound with the applause of the people in the hall. But the scientific speech was very boring for the people in the hall, and when the speech ended, no one applauded the American's lecture. The American was very upset and a little embarrassed. It was a French figure who took the podium and began his speech in a loud voice. After the speech, the Frenchman thanked and left the stage. Before the French speaker left the podium, the American, who could not get applause after his speech, stood up and applauded the Frenchman, although he did not understand French. Then the participants of the congress were very surprised. An observer who was very surprised by this situation asked the American speaker: "Sir, what "Why are you applauding?" he asked. The American answered: "Well, this gentleman gave a very wonderful and necessary speech for us." only his French translation, and the adjuster was just a translator."
     After reading this story, I remembered the puppy from the "Fairy Tales with Three Endings" series by Gianni Rodari. In the first ending of this tale, the puppy meets the cow and the cow says: "I'm not a cow, puppy, I don't growl like a cow." Then what happened to the cow? "If you learn it, it won't do anything. There's nothing wrong with it." And the puppy thought: "Yes, it's a great idea, I'll learn the language of all animals organically and perform in the circus, and those who see me will be surprised and applaud me." was
Of course, knowing foreign languages ​​is very important today. Knowing a foreign language increases human thinking, world view, spiritual maturity and perfection in some field. This idea is also proved by the wise words of Alisher Navoi, the sultan of the ghazal estate, "He who knows a language knows what he knows".
Shohsanam Kamalova 
Translation from German to Uzbek
Kamalova Shohsanam Akmaljon girl (April 1, 2002) Fergana region, Rishton district 
I graduated from the Andijan State Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and studied German language and literature. Currently, I am a German language teacher at the 3rd university school of Andijan city.
The article was published without any intervention!