Mahbuba Shodieva, Uzbekistan

Mahbuba Shodieva, Uzbekistan

Even the Eiffel Tower trembled,
Glorious triumphs upon triumphs.
The anthem is always ringing in Paris,
My country, the whole world applauds you.

The world is witnessing a glorious victory,
Your fame spread to the world again.
But these victories are not a dream,
A great celebration in the heart of every Uzbek.

The world trembles at the sight of wrestlers,
The soul of Pahlavon Mahmud was happy.
My Uzbeg, the boy you raised with love,
He became an unparalleled champion in the world.

Uzbek girls never come empty-handed,
To Maris had a worthy generation.
Always justified the nation's trust,
He was able to achieve absolute victory.

Today, my people have tears in their eyes.
Pride is like a mountain that cannot fit the world.
At the beginning of my country, the sun is a butterfly,
A sound of joy that never ends.

Well done, my champions,
In the heart of every Uzbek, you are proud.
My wrestlers suitable for Timurids,
You are unmatched in courage.
(The paper has been published without interference)