Poems by Nurul Hoque (prepared Angela Kosta)

Poems by Nurul Hoque (prepared Angela Kosta)
Nurul Hoque 
Even after the first bullet pierced your chest
You stood tall, awaiting the second shot,
In the blazing noon of your full-blooded youth,
O fearless, unparalleled hero,
By what name shall I call you,
Or with what metaphor shall I paint you?
In the failure to find fitting words,
I am only left bleeding myself.
Your bared chest 
 was not merely a chest
It was an endless expanse
Covered in lush green grass
The entire protesting land of Bengal
Where you poured your blood into the soil
Fertilizing our existence
And showed us
How to uphold comrades' rights 
With life in hand.
Oh hero, in '69-
With Asad's blood-soaked shirt in hand
We too took to the streets in protest
Against the Pakistani regime 
Back then we were surrounded by the grotesque
Monster of disparity
Our language, culture had vast divides.
Today, who do we stand against
Where our language, culture, and heritage are the same.
With whom shall I compare you, 
O hero
We know the life story of the great revolutionary 
Che Guevara
We also know that 
Our land is not 
 or Cuba.
In the joy of claiming rights
Our hearts overflowed
In deep grandeur
Today you are not beside us...
Yet about you, for ages to come
Epic poems will be written.
So much bloodshed  
Violence and hatred  
I have never seen since birth.
In the poisonous vapor of malice  
The sky of this land  
Grows increasingly heavy.
Countless mothers tear 
And endless grief.
In the sorrow of losing their children.
My motherland faces an existential crisis.

Prepared Angela Kosta Executive Director of MIRIADE Magazine, Academic, journalist, writer, poet, essayist, literary critic, editor, translator, promoter